Thursday, October 16, 2014

Who do you see in your children?

Good Morning!

 It's bright and early on a day off! Landen decided he was going to get up around six and turn all of the light on upstairs including the lights in their bedroom-waking Sissy up. As much as I wanted to sleep in until seven, getting those good morning snuggles in bed felt SO good!  

  One of the perks to having twins is double the snuggles! While we were hanging out in bed, Landen dropped a toy. Caroline, aka Sissy, said, " I'll get it!" Landen replied with, "thank you!"  This past summer we worked on saying please and thank you. As parents ( Aaron and I) we really want to raise polite, kind-hearted, loving children.  Now the manners can be taught, but the rest you really can't teach-they have to be surrounded by good role models to learn the rest.

 As parents we need to be mindful of how we behave around our children.  We have to be good role models, not just telling them how to act, but also showing them through our daily interactions with them and others.   This makes me think of when we go shopping. 

Let's use a lasting Target memory as an example. The kids and I went to get a few things and of course came out with more-darn dollar spot!  They each had gotten something and when it came to check out they did not want to give up their goods. Now after the screaming subsided, I thanked the lady for being so understanding. When I announced to my screaming mimis it was time to go they looked at the lady who checked us out and smiled and said, "thank you!"  It's amazing to me how children absorb what is around them-words and actions. They are almost mirror images of who we are.

I love the complexity of children as well as the simplicity. They make me want to be a better Mommy all the time!  Take a look at your child(ren)who do you see in them?  

Have a wonderful day as you 'Mommy On!'


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