Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mommy Friendships

I spend a good chunk of my day as a kindergarten teacher helping the children learn how to be a good friend.  It's an area in which I'm always having to work at too.  Do you as a Mom feel like friendships became ten times harder after starting your family?

I'll be honest, I'm not a stellar friend.  When I was in high school, I was friends with whom ever I was around for the time being. I never made a lasting friendship with a girl where we were always together, hanging out, talking on the phone,and having sleepovers. Reflecting back it's probably because I always had a boyfriend. So I never really learned what girlfriends 'do.' I never had to ask my boyfriends how they were feeling  or go dress shopping for Prom- okay Aaron did go one year with me so he's  an exception.  As we are all well aware guys just aren't like that-we are wired totally different! 

As an adult I'm now learning, like my kindergarteners, how to be a friend-well trying.  It's really hard to be a good friend and a Mom too. Do you agree? As Moms we spend a lot of time and energy making sure our children and spouses are happy and their needs are met-this HAS to happen! Then you throw on top of that work and committees-I've GOTTA have my job!  Then friends fall to the bottom of the list.  

I don't know about you, but it never fails-Often times when I do call a friend or they call me my kids start SCREAMING in the background. Of course that makes for a difficult conversation and then the conversation is short lived.   Having a friend over whether they have kids or not  usually ends up being time we are together but not quality girlfriend time.  So what do we do? 

I'm really at a loss here. I want to be that 'good' friend. I truly care and I want my friends to know that-ALL the time. I would love to hear how you are getting quality girlfriend time.  Please comment!

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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