Monday, October 6, 2014

'Shake It Off'

After a rainy day, the sun was out and I was driving home from a little bit of IKEA shopping. Taylor Swift's song 'shake it off' came on and I of course began to jam. I turned the music up, rolled the window down and just drove-I felt like I was eighteen again, wind in my hair, care-free, energized and then it ended. The song was over and my ride in fantasy land came to a screeching halt. 

There I was sitting in my minivan with my personalized mommy plates, with the back end filled with car seats,random toys, tissues, an empty purse for those seldom occasions of needing one, diaper bag, and little pieces of food rattling up and down the sliding doors. I quickly realized I was far from being care-free and that I really need to clean up my messy van! 

Do you ever feel like you spend a lot of time 'shaking things off?' With the many hats that I wear, I feel like I'm often having to 'shake' off the tantrums, personal criticisms, life situations, and then the actual shaking off of things-messes that somehow happen all over my clothing. 

As Moms, we have to shake a lot off. If we got upset over every episode of tantrums, spills, poop that is smeared all over the bedroom and toilet paper that is being strung throughout the house we would all commit ourselves to the nut house!  I don't think we realize how much patience we do have has Moms. Being a Type-A personality, I'm always critiquing myself as a parent, teacher, wife, friend,  and daughter. It's exhausting. We need to remind ourselves that we try our best everyday and that some days are more of a challenge then others. We are human, we make mistake and we learn from them. At the end of the day, our children still love us unconditionally. 

So keep 'shakin' it off' and spend time enjoying all the moments you have with your children! God only gives us what we can handle! 

And always...Keep Calm and Mommy On!



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