Monday, October 20, 2014

Finding The Right Lens

5:15-Alarm clock sounds. First thought, "I've got five more minutes." Five minutes later, "I just won't do my hair today...." "Ugh, what time is it? I'll do my make-up when I get to work." Now, B.K. it was all about me and my schedule. There was no reason to not do my hair or make-up. No reason to not have breakfast at home. I always got to work at seven and was so proud of my perfect quiet time before my class arrived.  Now, it's pure excitement when I arrive at seven-thirty and a big, "Shoo I made it at seven-fifty." 
Having children has not only changed my perception of myself, but also my priorities.  It's important to me to have a balance between work and home. Most importantly, I want to feel I am doing well at both. Wouldn't you agree your whole mindset as a Mom changes when you have children? It's like we see things through a completely different lens.  We think in a way we never had to think before. We are challenged to manage ourselves and our families-we have to think ahead, be strategic, and plan.

I love how having children has made me see that even though I am not at work at seven, I am still successful at being a great teacher and completing all of my tasks-I have simply made better use of my time. I like saying, "What the heck!" with laundry on the weekend and going outside instead of staying in. While children can be challenging at times, I really believe God sent them to us at this point in our lives to make us stop and evaluate the things that are important in our lives-or what should be. 

If you think back, we spent all of high school and college focusing on ourselves and our careers.  We worry about landing the perfect job, meeting the perfect person, marrying the perfect person, and having kids (granted not everyone follows that plan-but you get what I'm saying).  We are in a way self-centered (and kinda have to be to get where we are going) and then our children make us stop and see our purpose and the beauty of each day.

I love seeing the world through my children's eyes. It's a new and exciting place for them and it can be for us Mom's too.  We just need the right lens. 

Keep Calm and Mommy On


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