Saturday, October 25, 2014

{Dreams Do Come True}

Today couldn't have been a more beautiful day. The leaves on the trees were vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow on our drive to Bonnybrook Farm.  The breeze was refreshing while the sun warmed our faces. I had a lot of 'ah this is amazing' moments. While I was taking in the gorgeous weather, my little girl was excited to finally ride a horse. Today her dreams were going to come true.

After doing a few activities in the farm, we ventured over to the stables where we got to see a lot of animals and some horses. Caroline's dream was about to come true. She followed a cat,Eli, into the barn where they were doing rides. Luckily there were only a couple of kiddos in front of us waiting in line. Aaron held the tickets and Caroline had picked the horse she wanted to ride-the white one. The girl in front of Caroline hopped on the brown pony which meant Caroline would get to ride her pick! 

Standing back and watching Aaron have this moment with Caroline was so fulfilling. They were both so excited and Caroline was, for a couple of seconds, a little nervous. Aaron told Caroline to say 'giddy up horsey!' And so she bravely repeated, ' giddy up boy!' After that moment she was off and walking around a beautiful barn with the sun flooding in through the large barn doors and windows. I was so proud of her for taking a risk and being so brave. As she walked around atop this beautiful tall horse I could see her hand in the air and I could hear her say, " yee haw!" She certainly would have made Sherriff Cali proud. 

After traveling around the barn for a couple of laps, it was Landens turn on the smaller brown pony. He was NOT having it! The gal helping with the horses tried to soothe him and to get him to settle down. But he declined his ride and Caroline got to go for another turn. There were more "yee haws" and her little arm in the air. She even told the horse to 'go faster!' While Caroline was riding, Landen was content with the ground under his feet and playing with Eli the cat. He couldn't have been happier! 

As a parent I am often wanting to make those perfect moments for my children and family. I can get so caught up in taking pictures of this and pictures of that and worrying about this and worrying about that, that I'm not really there enjoying the moments that are passing by. I have tried to be better at this and I must say today was a nice relaxing outing where I could just stand back and enjoy the day with my family...and guess what, it was a perfect day. 

Making these memories today and making Caroline's dream come true was a parenting moment that made me proud and genuinely grateful. I'm so thankful to have healthy children who are able to do these things with no limitations. I do believe my heart grew another size today. I can only imagine the dreams they will be having tonight! I am sure they will be sweet! 

I hope you all had an opportunity to enjoy today and hopefully did something fun with your children. If not, you've gotta take some time for family tomorrow!  These feel good moments with our kids will keep us going through the week! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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