Friday, October 17, 2014

Sippy Cup Help, Please!

Mornings... My favorite! Cuddling up drinking coffee and feeling rested! Do any of you feel like this time is the best version of you?! We've read books, made a healthy breakfast, completed puzzles, and  have just been HaPpY!  Landen and Caroline are using their manners and sharing!

Somehow by eight o'clock at night I easily forget we had a lot of good time together. Then mom guilt sets in. I hate mom guilt. I was reading (scratch that) flipping through a parent magazine and there was a huge article on putting environmental print in your house for your kids to read. Am I the only one that doesn't want to put labels on my cupboards and dressers? I don't think my mom did that and I can read. Some times I feel like there are good intentions around the parent magazines that are out there, but sometimes it like 'really?'  Give another article on healthy living or how to find time to shower/pamper myself as a mom.  Build me up, don't make me feel bad.

I know, I know, I'm looking WAY to far into it, but that is my internal thought that goes through my head in one turn of a page-and maybe an eye roll. I do have to say I LOVE the ideas they give on lunches and snacks. I may not make all their meals into cute animals-like ever  but they help give me some good ideas.

I need some help. So if you read this and can give me a response by clicking 'comment' below I would greatly appreciate it! I am in need of a sippy cup that doesn't leak! How long are they supposed to last? Is that my problem the seals are worn out? Am I not supposed to put them in the dishwasher? It seems like this is the biggest problem were having (I'm thankful!). Every time Caroline's cup leaks on her it's a wardrobe change and if we are in the van- God help us all and our ears!

So here is what we have...playtex, Disney-first years (wish they worked because there are no extra parts!) and Kroger brand which seems to be the best even though it's the least attractive (last cup with the red lid) .

These cups are expensive! I really don't want to keep buying cups that don't work! This is just a small part of our collection too. I probably have a good hundred bucks in sippy cups in our cupboard. 

Well, I think our HaPpY peaceful time is over....they're running and picking on each other! Time to get my referee outfit on and whistle! 

Keepin' calm and mommyin' on today!!


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