Tuesday, October 14, 2014

JuGgLiNg Act

Life is a juggling act-for anyone, mommy or not. I am frequently asked, how I manage twins and work. My answer is structure and planning. I have many things I love that make my life easier for being on the go. Here is 'how I do it.'

Divide and Conquer 
Organization is key for us as a family. Aaron and I share a calendar through our iPhones which keeps us both in sync around the clock.  We use the Evernote app and share a home notebook to make to-do lists as well as our grocery list. Aaron hits the grocery store on Fridays. I do laundry and pack all our lunches on Sunday night. That way we can grab and go during the week. 

I just got an iPad over the summer. It is grand central station for me. Apps  have made my life easier for both home and work.  My mom loves pictures of the kids. I use the Groovebook app for monthly prints and when I need larger prints I use the walgreens app.  I refill my prescriptions with the app as well.  Amazon Prime is amazing. The fact I can order something and get it in the next day or two makes multitasking much easier! Shoes, clothes, diapers, and gifts all delivered to my door step sure does cut out a lot of planning and headache! 

For school, I use the weebly app to manage my classroom website, Common Core app for easy referencing  when planning. The Evernote app is again used for organizing the teachers I am mentoring, committees I'm on, to-do lists, faculty meeting notes and so forth. Taking notes and keeping track of them can be hard to do. I know if I have my iPad I have every note I could ever need. The iPad is allowing me to get my odds and ends done anywhere and be an organized professional.  

Things I always have with me
Lands End Canvas Tote- awesome gift given to me by a family from school. I use it as my purse, diaper, and teacher bag. I'm able to keep everything organized and the tote is durable and cute!  

Snack cups & snacks-with a long commute, I always have food in my van. I have two compartments in the van and one is solely for food. You never know when the kids are going to be hungry after school or after a visit to the park. This also saves me when I've forgotten to pack something! I do loose my mind! 

Small makeup case-for mornings on the go! I always have everything in a little case to take with me on crazy mornings! 

Thirty-One totes and cold bag-I wear these out! Packing for the week, heading to school on a Monday with lots of extras, keeping track of back packs and lunches-the utility totes are a life savor!  

Hand wipes-for those random spills made by me and the kids! Most importantly killing those germs before heading home or while we are out and about. I have a container in my tote and one in my car.

Throw away placemats- I love these! I don't have to have a plate for the kids in restaurants (not that we go to them these days) and there are fun search and finds on them! 

My Personal Favorites
Being a working mom, I want to look put together but I only have so much time to spend on me. Here are some things that help getting ready quick! 

Ghd flat iron-silky smooth hair! 
Physicians formula makeup 
Bare minerals makeup 
Stiletto Mascara-I love long lashes! 
Dry shampoo-for those mornings when the kids have another plan and hair is the least of my worries! 
Lip gloss 

I enjoy running-never thought I'd say that! I try to do three to four days a week. I use my Fitbit zip to help me monitor my daily activity and gives me a little competitive motivation too! 
Brooks running shoes 
Running clothes-Target. I love their sports bras, running shorts/pants, and tops. 

Aaron and Family
I couldn't keep my head above water without Aaron and my family. They make me a successful mom and teacher. I owe a whole lot to all of them and am well aware of all they do to support our family.  Thank you!!!! 

What are your favorite things? Feel free to share by commenting below!

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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