Friday, October 24, 2014

Good Ol' Fashion Fun!

Tonight was awesome up until five minutes ago and then the bewitching hour took over in full force. The kiddos and I had some good ol' fashion fun. Landen and Caroline have been so excited about Halloween and all a buzz about 'spooky' or as Caroline says "fooky" things!  So tonight I came home and they were in awesome happy moods!  They saw a ghost on one of their cartoons and got so excited.

Landen decided to throw his blanket over his head and pretend. Now a blanket over a kids head is always cute until they run into something and get hurt-or trip. So I ran upstairs grabbed a witch hat I keep in my closet-yeah that sounds kinda funny but it really is in my closet- and an old sheet. Caroline wore my fancy witch hat and Landen was stoked to see the big white sheet. I cut it up into thirds and made us three ghost costumes-with eye holes! The kids were so excited. I walked around the house slowly following them saying, "OooooooOooooooooo." They screamed and yelled and ran like crazy. 

I introduced myself as Casper the Friendly Ghost and asked Landen if he would shake my hand. It's so funny how they act when you are dressed up. I wondered by his expressions and interaction if he really understood Mommy was under that sheet. Caroline didn't trust Casper so she just ran away screaming and giggling. It was so cute!

Now, while I'm a current day Mom who lets her children watch slightly too much TV, I certainly aim for a balance between current kid toys and good ol' fashion fun.  Landen and Caroline had so much fun with an old sheet tonight, more fun than they could have with a toy. Caroline kept saying, "more ghost mommy, more ghost!" They were laughing and just having a good time with me and each other.  I am sure between now and their first real trick-or-treat we will be playing ghost and gobblins. 

Ending the day and beginning the weekend by watching the Toy Story Halloween show and sharing pita chips and dip with them was certainly the peak of my day.  I love how my children take me away from the daily grind and force me to have SO much fun with them. They continue to give me THE BEST gifts ever! They make me feel alive and so happy! 

As the weekend begins for most of you, I hope you can find a way to have some ' good ol' fashion fun!' I think you will find its way better than anything you can buy...and the memories will last you forever! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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