Sunday, October 5, 2014

Skinny Jeans

Skinny jeans have been the latest trend-not sure they're still in since I don't have much time to read fashion magazines, but I do own a couple pair. As I slid my, LOFT Julie skinny jeans on today with a little hop, I couldn't help but think, " Am I supposed to feel skinny in my skinny jeans or am I supposed to feel like a bunch of potatoes in a ziplock bag." Granted I've put on a few lbs-gotta love the gift of fluctuation or maybe it's been a few too many treats, but when it comes to skinny jeans you can certainly feel the pain of a few lbs. needless to say it's 'back on the healthy horse this week.'

Weight, who doesn't struggle with it? If you don't, you have know idea the gift you've been given-so enjoy it.  While you're enjoying it, the rest of us will continue to drive ourselves nuts with exercising, calorie counting, and feeling guilty when we splurge. YOLO-right?  

I often joke that I was born a size twelve. It just seems to be the place my body is comfortable. I've finally have reached the place where I know that I'm eating healthy and consistently exercising so therefor, I am happy with myself.  Granted I could work out more but when it comes to being a working mom, I rather do what I know I can do for the long run then to burn myself out . I hope you fellow moms can find peace with your beautiful selves and be healthy at the same time- no matter what size the tag says on your skinny jeans!  


Note: LOFT has amazing pants with great fits for various shapes! Check them out and sign up for emails with great offers! 

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