Friday, October 17, 2014

Memorable Moments-The Not So Pretty Ones

Now I'm sure any new Mom or experienced Mom has plenty of memorable moments with their child. I had one yesterday.  As I was racing to get Landen and Caroline dressed to head to the Dr.s, I conveniently remembered after having dressed Caroline head to toe, that she needed to go to the bathroom before we left- Oh the pleasures and pain of potty training.

So I sat her on the potty and she insists her paints, shoes and everything else has to come off before she sits on the potty backwards.  Okay, fine-I'll remember next time not to make this mistake. Landen comes in, squeezes between the wall and the commode waiting to flush the toilet for her.  Caroline says she's done, I lift her up as usual and she decides to throw her whole right leg straight into the toilet bow.  

Very maturely, I said, "Ewwww Gross!" I guess while I was saying that and figuring out quickly what to do with her as she is hanging in mid-air, I turned around and Landen is taking off with the toilet paper into the living room. I quickly broke his trail and put Caroline in the sink to wash her up.  As I'm washing her up, I can see Landen in the mirror putting toilet in his mouth saying, "ERRRRR" like a dog.  He was giggling and running around. After getting everything in the bathroom cleaned up, I took off after him.  That was my biggest mistake.  It turned into a game of cat and mouse.  

While yesterday in the moment I was somewhat frustrated and annoyed that again he was wasting toilet paper, I laugh today.  These 'moments' that we have with our children when they are small are only going to happen so many times and for only so long.  So today I laugh and cherish the craziness of having two-year-old twins. I  am also a little more watchful for Landen's quick hands and Caroline's quick feet! 

Enjoy these special days and moments with your little ones while you are Mommyin' On!


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