Thursday, October 30, 2014


I don't know about you, but I'm a little protective of my 'treats.' Especially good treats.  So the teacher I work with is amazing and so kind. She was generous in bringing in some of her anniversary cake to share  with me because I was practically drooling over the thought of it on the playground-I told you she is AWESOME! Chocolate, peanutbutter-topped with a buckeye. Can you say Delish?!!!

So she brought it in and I forgot to bring it home last night. I was so since this past Monday I've been waiting to sink my teeth into this creamy rich cake. I literally walked in the door, sat the cake down, started picking up toys and putting things away and I walk by the counter and there is a very small piece of this cake left.

For a second I thought, " it wasn't half a cake but it was a really good chunk.  Are my eyes just tired from the day? I have to be seeing things." I walk up closer and asked Aaron if he ate all of the cake and  he responded with, " yea-I thought you already ate yours." I know this is all very silly but the pissiness (for lack of better words) that came over me was instant. I can't ever share anything with him because I'm always trying to keep up with him which leads to me rushing through a meal.  Lesson learned-eat my treats at school! 


Today was a school day for my kids. I couldn't believe how wonderful our morning was. The kids were up a little after six, they got to watch a cartoon and wake up while I packed the car, and then we had a nice breakfast before we left. It was so calm and smooth-I wish everyday was like that! 

With only going to school a couple days of the week, I worried that it wouldn't be enough for them to get the school feel but I didn't feel they were ready for more than two days each week.  As a mother of twins, I have been worried about their language and I wanted to make sure they had regular social interactions. I am so happy they are going to such a great preschool where they are not only meeting and interacting with children, but they are interacting with several adults. 

The best part of all of it, is having friends, who are like family, be at school with them. They are the extra eyes that check on them when I can't-I think I've gone once or twice to 'spy' on them. Caroline and Landen wave, smile, hold hands, and say ' love you' with their school family. They get so excited when their Aunt Penny walks in the door.  They  gravitate towards her and play while I sit across the room in amazement of their love for others.  L and C peek in her classroom in the mornings and smile and giggle. They have to feel safe and loved to behave like this in a place they only vist twice a week.  Our school is special, I have a deep love for it and I am so happy to have this environment for our children to be apart of in their early years of education. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences are next week for Landen and Caroline and I'm very curious to see what their teachers have to say. It's funny being a teacher and a parent. I certainly have moments where the teacher inside me says relax MOM! Don't worry MOM!  They are FINE! -I've only cried once. I try and be conscious to not bother the teachers during their breaks to discuss how they are doing-although it has happened a handful of times. Yikes!  Bottom line, I am so thankful for a wonderful school community. It's certainly Ohana for us! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


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