Monday, October 27, 2014

{Being Grateful}

It's so easy to get caught up in our every day Mommy lives. I make it a point to be grateful-especially when the going is getting tough. Landen and Caroline were a wish come true and an absolute success story that I think about nearly every day. Their journey into this world was not easy and there were many close calls (  How could a Mommy not be so thankful for such wonderful, healthy children?

Tonight we attended the Chefs Auction put on by March of Dimes. Aaron, my husband, has recently been accepted on the board of directors for March of Dimes where hopefully he can help make a difference and be of help to many families in an indirect way. I am the leader of our March for Babies team and we were a Top Family Team this past year. The walk aligns perfectly every year with the twins' birthday so walking keeps us grounded as well as focused on the bigger picture in life. We do these things to make a difference-a difference for premature babies and their families. 

Whether your child was a premie or not, take time to reflect on how amazing our families and children are. What a gift they are to us. They are on borrowed time with us...let's not look back and wish we would have been a little more grateful. These are some of the best days of our lives!

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


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