Saturday, October 11, 2014

Being Brave

I did it. I ventured out to Jump and Jacks with the kids- alone. Now when the kids were little and locked down in their car seat or stroller I went everywhere with them. But now stroller rides aren't exciting for them anymore and they wiggle out of their seats-little Houdinis. Reliving the scenario of a shopping trip disaster is frightening.  Shopping, double stroller, kids running in two different directions all while trying to keep track of my purse so we can
 the H out of dodge does not spell fun to me.

Now that isn't to say I don't take them to stores when we absolutely have to.  If you are at Walmart and you see some kids in the cart where they shouldn't be, it's likely us. Riding in the cart is a lot of fun-to them at least. A loaf of bread or eggs would never survive . So back to what I was saying...we went to Jump and Jacks and long story short, we all made it out without anyone crying or screaming. I was expecting the worse.

For the first half hour we played like crazy there was only one family there and so it was nice to actually enjoy climbing around with them and I was hoping all the germs from the night before had somehow mostly disappeared.  After a half hour, there were a lot more kids.  Needless to say I did more supervising then since I became another obstacle for the children.

  But then it happened.  A girl came on over the P.A. and announced the birthday party.  At this point my two both locked eyes on the blow up equipment that was for the party only.  Caroline went to the left and Landen headed for the chairs that was blocking the entrance to all the blow up bouncers.  They really need a gate, because Landen busted through the chairs and was off.  At this point all the parents and little party goers are walking to the party room which is right where we are.  Landen is screaming and Caroline is joining the party in room 'c.' I finally caught them both and told them they had a choice. They could play in the play area or go home.  While I had to repeat myself a few times and keep Landen from looking at the ginormous bounce house, they agreed to go play. Let's just say I treated myself to a pumpkin spice latte on the way home.

I have to say, I love living outside of the city.  Now I've never lived right in the middle of a city, but we have lived close.  I don't love the traffic coming and going to work, but it sure is nice for a drive home on Saturday.  While we were driving home,  I was pointing out to Landen and Caroline the soy  bean and corn fields.  We spotted some cows and as I was about to turn she asked to see a horse.  So instead of turning, we drove up to the next farm house and there are three beautiful horses-two black one brown.  I pulled in the drive, rolled down the window and the horses started to run. She was over the moon excited.  It's wonderful being able to have the same experiences I did as a child with Landen and Caroline. They are some of my favorite memories.

Memories.  It can be very easy to get caught up in the day to day jive and not stop to realize your making memories.  I fear there are memories I have missed. It takes a conscious effort sometimes to stop and just be.  I hope this weekend,while it's dry, you have time to breathe and enjoy part or all of your day with your child(ren).  Let's not miss out on a time we will never get back with our family.

Keep Calm and Mommy On.


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