Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Keeping Life in Perspective

I have to admit my school day ended with slight frustration. I was irritated Landen and Caroline would not leave my classroom so we could go home. Landen threw corn from the sensory table in the air and Caroline ran to the class pet.  I did the whole, "see you later guys!" And walked out the door. I stood outside of the classroom and even stomped my feet like I was walking away. Caroline eventually came but not Landen.  

So what does any good twin sibling do? Run in opposite directions! Landen dove under a stable and Caroline took off down the hall. "Who do I catch first?" Was my only thought. So with my bags hanging off my shoulders in hope of catching them and dragging them out to the van, I swooped under the art table only for Landen to crawl out and run into blocks. At this point I'm worried about where Caroline took off to. I caught her in our muscle room and brought her back to my room again. Then Groundhogs day started all over. She ran, Landen dove and I went after him first. I carried him out, probably in the most uncomfortable position and started to the muscle room for Caroline. 

I got into the muscle room and she's no where to be found. I call for her and nothing. I'm instantly in a sweat and start to panic as I look down what seems an endlessly long hallway and I notice doors are open. There are NEVER door open in this hall! All I can think is she's hiding! How will I find her. In panic mode I start calling for her and she barrels around the corner. I caught her and off we went.

Now in reality this probably took me a minute to find her but it felt like an eternity. Landen and Caroline feed off of each other what seems like ALL the time! That is my biggest struggle right now and I'm sure you experienced twin moms will agree with me when I say I have a feeling it is only going to continue/get worse. They keep me on my toes! 

Tonight when I got home from work, I learned about a local couple that has had a great loss. They have lost their twin son to pertussis. Once you are a parent, the stories of loosing a child hit hard. I had instant flashbacks of everything we went through and how grateful we are to have healthy twins. I intended on writing the above post tonight, and to be honest it was out of pure irritation of the situation. But after having heard of the loss this family is going through, everything was put back into perspective.  Please say a special prayer tonight for the Wanstrath family and see their story at the link below. 


Keep Calm and Mommy On....


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