Friday, October 3, 2014

My First 'Mommy On' Post

So most of you know me as a daughter, wife, friend, neighbor or teacher....and of course the BIG title of MOM. Being a mom is no joke. It's a duty in which you cannot appreciate until you are one. There is no preparing for it either. You can read your heart out on 'what to expect' books, I did too, but they WILL not prepare you for the life your child is about to determine for you and your spouse/partner. 

Whether you are a mom to one or mom to ten, it's a job that is around the clock-literally. While I consider myself the above titles, I often dream of the other titles I'd love to be too. Like an event planner, interior designer, marketing exec and even a writer.  I've written for as long as I can remember. I have journals from back in the day about all my life events and boyfriends...which you could use for a good teen or  love story movie. I enjoy it. This is my outlet in life along with wine- don't judge me. 

My (strike that..) OUR twins, Landen and Caroline, were born two and a half years ago-yes I have a very long blog about that experience if you're interested in reading it (foulk .  They are amazing little people but boy can they run/takeover a household! Would I have it any other way..NO...but let's be honest, there are days where my energy and patience is running LOW! 

Let's take today as an example. I had the day off from work and hopes of sleeping in. Now sleeping in to me is seven. Unfortunately Landen at some point in time decided he could NOT sleep in his own bed and ended up in ours. Yes I typically get up and put him back in his best-that is the right thing to do, but I was in one of those delirious like sleeps where I knew he was there but not coherent enough to be a 'good parent' and put him back in his bed. Even with kicks to my nose and cheeks, I managed to role over just to get a few more minutes of sleep.  

I honestly can't remember at this moment how or when he woke up for good. I do know it was well before seven. The morning was a just a blur.  After fueling up some coffee l managed to do a lot of house cleaning-well what you can accomplish around twin tornadoes. By lunch time we were tired and took our naps-yes I still  follow the 'nap when your baby naps' rule.  When they woke up from their naps they were in high gear. I was climbed like a tree while the other was hanging from my shirt, a truck driven right into my face off a table, my foot/toes smashed a half dozen times, and one that is stuck on repeating her self about this that and the other.  Do you know I got out the pint of graters mint ice cream and we sat in a circle and ate it together just so I could watch seven minutes of a movie I love (Never Been Kissed)?!

After more coffee this afternoon I managed to build a tent, play with play dough, chase them around while Aaron began to paint and give them  a good dinner-okay awesome leftovers from a meal Aaron made last night, popcorn and a movie night. Along with cuddles and smiles in between the angst of pain accidently inflicted upon me...MOM. 

I am sitting beneath the stars (you know the little turtle that projects the stars and moon) listening to them sleep/snore...deep down while I'm feeling tired and deprived of time for myself, I can't help but hope I showed them both a day of fun, love and laughter. 

Moms-to-be: be prepared for the craziest ride of your life. There are ups and downs you can't even imagine..just remember to Keep Calm and Mommy On. 


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