Thursday, October 9, 2014

Pushing Mommy's Buttons

I was so close to going to the van tonight and sitting for some peace and quiet. Landen decided to get around five-thirty this morning ( what the heck!!!). The day had been great but there is something about the four to five p.m. time. It's like a 'push all of mommy's buttons' time when my patience is tried and the kids just think it is SO funny. Aaron came home at a decent time tonight which was instant relief-well what I thought was going to be relief.

Landen and Caroline LOVE and ADORE Aaron. But for some reason tonight they ONLYwanted 'mommy!' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' was said about that many times in two seconds. They were on me off me on me off me and PLEASE don't get me wrong I LOVE them and all of their attention, but with every jab to my stomach from climbing on me and push here and there, I just needed a little personal s-p-a-c-e. That's all. 

With CrAzY mom eyes I asked Aaron to turn on a movie in hopes it would suck them in and calm them down! It worked. Cinderella was great and then it was dinner time-for Aaron and I. Caroline wanted my food that was way to hot and would make her belly sick-she was on repeat asking for more. Then Landen popped his head over the couch and repeated, 'sit mommy, sit.' enough times to make me swallow my meal whole so one, Caroline couldn't eat it and two to get Landen to just relax. 

Cinderella was now boring and they wanted the 'Buppies.' Now if you aren't quick enough to the remote you hear 'buppies' until the show is playing. It really didn't end kept going and going and going all the way up until it was time to go to bed. I was brushing Caroline's hair and I got a sharp pinch to my tush. I turned around to Landen grinning at me.  He was pleased with the surprise he just gave me. Teach me to turn my back for too long. 

Twins are fun- no really, they are. But you have to be on your game and one (strike that) two steps ahead of them.  At. ALL .times.  I had a moment today that I was not ahead of Landen. He decided he would walk around with his step stool and turn on lights-fine. But then I pass by their room to go into the laundry room and he had used his stool to give him a lift to the top of his dresser. That stool went right on top of the highest shelf I could find that he couldn't reach. Again, he was SO pleased with his awesome climbing skills he just giggled at me.

You're pretty good when they're sleeping,however, ours have mastered the getting out of bed with out the monitor ever picking up a sound. How do they learn at such an early age to be so sneaky! So, to make sure they are safe if they sneak out of bed, I lock every door upstairs except the play room. See-two steps ahead.  ALWAYS be ahead of your child! They're smarter than we think! 

Today was truly one of those days you just have to Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


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