Tuesday, October 28, 2014

{In This Skin}

Date Jar - Romantic DIY Gift. Pick a few nights per month and draw a paper with an activity for just the two of you..

Do you ever think back B.K? What did you do with all that free time? What did you talk to your spouse about? What were your weekends like?  What was I like? Who was I?Last night my husband and I went to a March of Dimes event.  We were a little early so we stopped by the bar to grab a drink.  We sat there in silence for a few moments, adjusting to the loud music in our ears.  Trust me winding down and having some silence is lovely, but I couldn't help but think of how I used to go on for days about this,that and the other and now I'm just speechless. 

It's kinda like when you want to plan a date night and you can't think of anywhere to go. But when you are out and about town running errands, you can think of a half dozen places you would LOVE to go! I really need to start a date jar! Pinterest makes it easy with large Popsicle sticks kept in a cute jar-now to make the time to make it!

While I can't remember what I did with my free time  B.K. I could rattle off what I do with spare time now.  When I think of what I was like before kids, I actually think about how I was always trying to find "me."  I felt like I was headed in the right direction, but I wasn't confident in WHO I was. Over the last couple of years I feel like, as a Mom, I have evolved into someone. I have become comfortable in who I am, what I do, how I parent along side my husband, and where we are headed in this crazy thing we call LIFE.  In turn, I've found a way to feel more confident and be comfortable in my skin.  

As a Mom, did you find who you are before kids or after?  Do you feel like becoming a Mom has helped you find who you really are? Taking on the role of Mom comes with many challenges that make us  who we are. I hope you embrace yourself and all you have to offer. You are amazing! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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