Monday, October 13, 2014

Mommy Flaws

I'm not sure about you, but I feel like I have 'Mommy Flaws.' I don't claim to be the perfect person and I certainly don't claim to be the perfect mom.  BK (before kids) I had a really good control on everything. I could spend a ridiculous amount of time on a project at home or on cleaning and organizing the house. I had time for family, friends, and neighbors. We could make every cook out or special event with ease. Ah and the best-making last minute plans. Yea that never happens. I at least need a weeks notice and even then I may still not be able to come. 

I've yet  to get a 'real' babysitter.Now our neighbor girl did come over during the summer and watched them sleep while I was at the store. That was great.  But our family are our babysitters for now and we already ask a lot of them. So asking for them to pick up a weekend or night of babysitting just doesn't seem fair. Maybe in a year I'll be brave to try a sitter. 

Since becoming a Mommy, my memory seems to be shot. I used to say it was due to lack of sleep..maybe there is a lasting effect. I have to set alarms and reminders for this and that. I have lists in my Evernote app for everything and post-its on my desk at work. I have multiple reminders sent to me when it's time to pick up a prescription or to go to the dentist. I was once able to function on my own... 

Zoning out. This has to be my biggest flaw or the flaw I struggle with the most. During the summer, towards the end of the week there would be days where I just zoned out. The kids would be watching a show after playing outside and I would sit and get lost in social media for a good while. Having iPads and iPhones are a big distraction as a parent. I'm always having to be mindful of not just sitting around staring at my phone while I could be loving on my kids.

Being a good friend. This gets harder to do as a mom. Do you agree? Especially when you have a personality like me. I get focused on my family and work and tunnel vision sets in.  Unless you are one of the people tugging on me for attention or help, there is a good chance I'm over looking you and I am sure I come off as not caring, too busy, not interested, or just rude. I assure you that is far from my 

The day to day of being a mom and working mom is quiet the balancing act. We are constantly 'on' or barely hanging on and sometimes it's hard to always be our best. Agree? I'm hoping our friends and loved ones are compassionate to some extent of our parenting challenges. Even though it may seem trivial to them. Im not making excuses for my flaws. I'm owning up to them and telling you all I'm a work in progress. Is there an area in your 'Mommy life' you find especially difficult?  Please tell me yes! I'm hoping I'm not alone! 

Keep in' Calm and Mommyin' On!


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