Sunday, October 19, 2014

Twelve-AH I Said It!

So if you've read my profile under About Me, you've already heard me mention how staying healthy is important to me, I love to run three to four times a week and I'm also a size twelve.  I NEVER thought I would say those words (size twelve) out loud to a friend let alone on a blog-maybe I have lost it?!!!

I'm not a twelve because I'm not active. I'm not a twelve because I eat processed foods and fast food all the time. I'm not a twelve because I drink pop. I'm not a twelve because I'm on birth control (NO we're not trying).  I'm not a twelve because I drink excessively-okay so there is a fine line there,wink, wink!

I just spent the last seven hours in the kitchen. I was prepping lunches for our work week made with lots of fresh veggies, fixing a balanced dinner for the kids, and dinner for my husband and father-in-law.  Now in between all of that cooking, we did some fun Halloween hand art, but for the better part of it, I was busy making healthy choices for my family and I. 

I feel like there is a stigma around people who are curvyThat if women aren't the worlds idea of thin then we must be unhealthy. My point to all of this is, the 'worlds idea' of thin has always been a pressure on me personally. Mentally I've been taken over. It has made me believe I needed to be a different person for a very long time. Yes, I could be more tone, but the reality is there is a lot of things going on in this working Momma's life and I'm happy I have found a way to run. Bottom line is-There are so many balls being juggled, I'm just glad their all still in motion.

Having children has been the best dose of reality for me. If I want my children to feel good about themselves and truly believe it with no doubts, I need to believe in myself and my unique beauty-but also be a healthy example.  Thanks to the two of them, I am in a place where I am starting to really embrace who I am. It has to be one of the best gifts I've ever received. 

I hope each one of you can see your beauty and find a way, if you haven't already, to embrace it.  If anything, do it for your children. Let them learn what true beauty is through us! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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