Wednesday, October 22, 2014

'All the Single Mommas'

Tonight I was on my own with the kiddos.  Landen and Caroline were in rare form. They were whiny and just aggravting to each other. They barely touched their dinner but did plenty of other touching-like each other and every other thing they aren't supposed to get into. I was putting out fires left and right. 

On top of making dinner, paying bills, packing lunches, laying out clothes and unloading the dishwasher-just to load it again, I was trying to watch the twins and find a minute to breathe after having been up since 5:30.  It was Mommy this and Mommy that TIMES TWO with tugging and pulling-on me, while I'm attempting to fill their requests. 

Now, with that being said, I am not 'whining' myself-that is not my intention for this blog. This is simply a part of parenthood and it can be a challenge on some nights more than others. Agree? I'm a 'glass half full' kinda girl. I'm always trying to see things in a positive light and on nights like these I stop and think about all the single parents out there-Moms and Dads. 

Being a single parent these days doesn't look one particular way. Some people are single by choice with a child(ren), separated from their spouse/partner, widowed,  a souse/partner who is out of town for long periods of time, or have a husband/wife serving our country. While those Moms and Dads aren't on the front lines like their spouse/partner, they too are serving our country.  They let go of their loved ones for long periods of time so their spouse/partner can protect our freedom. These Mom's  are holding down a different fort-longing for letters to come in the mail and very short phone calls that come late at night. 

I wonder how these Moms do it.  You never have a break, you are responsible for making everything run smoothly-or just run on a daily basis.  You are always ON! I ponder how you keep it together-in all aspects of your life. How do you balance work and family, keep your cool, and keep organized? I can't even imagine how you find time to clean or even breathe in peace for a moment...and do I DARE ask if you ever have free time? 

To all the single Mommas out there, you have my up most respect.   To all of the families that let go of their loved ones who are called to serve our country- the BIGGEST thank you to you! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


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