Thursday, October 16, 2014

Facing A Fear

I faced a fear of mine today. Taking the twins to the Drs on my own. I've been putting off the Twins' 2 1/2 well check up.  So I called the pediatrician today schedule an appointment and I asked if Landen and Caroline could get their flu shots.  The nurse on the phone  informed me they could be put on the waiting list or I could come in this morning.  I politely declined telling the nurse it was save all of us a big headache.  Some time went by and I started thinking," What if the shot isn't available in November when they go?" " They're in preschool now, they really need that shot." "They don't know what's best for them..stop being a whimp!"

At this point it was already 10:00. I knew the appointment was somewhere between ten and eleven and of course at the furthest location. So I called the Dr. office back, left a message hoping we could still come in.  I hurried and got us all ready and jumped in the van hoping they would still take us.  I figured worse case scenario we would get a good drive out of all of this.

So we are getting ready to pull in at the dr. office and I get the call. She asked what time the appointment was and location. She said there was a 10:15. "Ugh we missed it! " but then informed me there was an 11:00.   We were ten minutes early, I told the kids they were going to have to be really brave for Mommy. If they only knew how brave I was being!  

We rolled in. Now I've told you how much they love their stroller these days. My fingers were crossed we didn't have to wait in the waiting room too long.  All I could envision was both of them squirming out of their seats and running into all the 'sick' areas and never being able to catch them. My kids love a good game of chase!  And hide and go seek. We got signed in and Frozen was on the TV. Thank God I introduced that movie to them-I'm not really into following Disney movies and such.

The squirming began. I started digging in my less than organized bag hoping to find something, anything to entertain them! Chapstick was the saving grace and then we were called. Caroline volunteered to go first-I'm sure she'll never do that again.  She screamed before I even took her shoes off. She got her shot and lucky for me she sat back in the stroller and cried.  This is where I wish Aaron was there so we could give her some extra hugs. They don't know why pain is being inflicted on them! Then it was Landen's turn. I told the nurse not to judge me but Landen was wearing some pink pull ups! He really tries hard at potty training but just isn't there yet. 

So after Landen's shot, I slid him into the stroller. They started to settle down-I couldn't believe it! I told them I was proud of them being brave and gave them some high-fives! Let's be honest, the high-fives were really for me. We strolled out and headed for Chick-fila to split a chocolate shake!  I have such relief now  knowing they had their shots-and I did my job as a parent. I'm thankful for the wonderful staff that delt with me today on the phone... Dealing with indecisive Mommy's like me can't be easy!

What Mommy fears/challenges have you conquered lately? Today was definitely a day of keeping calm and mommying on! 



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