Friday, October 31, 2014


You can't have your cake and eat it too...isn't that what happened last night to me? I had the cake and then it was gone.  At work today I shared with my wonderful co-worker how my husband ate THE cake. She asked if he would go and replace it and I said nah..he won't. One he's extremely busy at work and I'm not sure he even knows where the Bonbonerie is. So that was that.

I got home today with the 'MOMMYON' van loaded down. I had my two and my little six-month-old niece in the third row. I decided why not bring her home with us since my sister and brother-in-law were coming over to our house for Halloween.   It was fun having a third with us. I'm certainly on the fence on having a third...that's another topic for another day. 

So as I was quickly sorting and putting away all the bags we had, Aaron walked in the door and don't you know he had a Bonbonerie box in his hand...seriously???!! I was completely surprised. Aaron is a total sweetheart but this was out of character-this was to me above and beyond.  He's amazing....I wonder how much he's already eaten since he's downstairs and I'm up with the kids
right now! 

Tonight was the first Halloween my kiddos have went out. Last year it was raining so they dressed up and helped man the door for the brave souls that fought the weather. The year before they were just too little.  This year was amazing! They actually understood what Halloween was all about. Landen ran from door to door saying trick-or-treat. It was so cute!! The kids in our neighborhood were so sweet saying, "Hi Thomas, Hi Jake!" A couple kids even gave candy out of their bags to our kids small buckets. My heart melted-there are good kids still left in this world! 

We partied back at our house and had pizza with my parents, sis and brother-in-law. We watched Charlie Brown and just played and counted candy.  It's a night of memories I'm so thankful for. I love being around family as well as my neighbors. I love the connection I feel. We are certainly not alone in this world and its so nice to have one another. 

It's way past bedtime and Landen and Caroline are certainly fighting it! With the sounds of trains blowing their horns and a glass of red wine with cider spice (you have to try it!) And a hubby and cake waiting for me downstairs, I couldn't ask for a better way for my Friday night and evening to end. 

I hope you all had a wonderful evening of trick-or-treating with your children. I am so thankful the weather held off in our part of town or there would have been some bummed little ones.  I'm off to check out  all of the adorable Halloween pics on social media-cheers!

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


Thursday, October 30, 2014


I don't know about you, but I'm a little protective of my 'treats.' Especially good treats.  So the teacher I work with is amazing and so kind. She was generous in bringing in some of her anniversary cake to share  with me because I was practically drooling over the thought of it on the playground-I told you she is AWESOME! Chocolate, peanutbutter-topped with a buckeye. Can you say Delish?!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

{In This Skin}

Date Jar - Romantic DIY Gift. Pick a few nights per month and draw a paper with an activity for just the two of you..

Do you ever think back B.K? What did you do with all that free time? What did you talk to your spouse about? What were your weekends like?  What was I like? Who was I?

Monday, October 27, 2014

{Being Grateful}

It's so easy to get caught up in our every day Mommy lives. I make it a point to be grateful-especially when the going is getting tough. Landen and Caroline were a wish come true and an absolute success story that I think about nearly every day. Their journey into this world was not easy and there were many close calls (  How could a Mommy not be so thankful for such wonderful, healthy children?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

{Eating Out With Twin Two-Year-Olds }

I had a message last night asking how we take our two-year-old twins to a restaurant.  Instantly I was taken back to June of this year. School let out and we took off the next day for our big family vacation. Now it had been almost a year since we traveled long distance with the kids. We usually travel through the night but this year we decided not to.  I had not done my 'homework' for traveling with two-year-olds. I didn't know a thing about busy bags or that I should pack play dough for playing with at the table. Trying to stick to the no electronics at the table was enforced but boy did I want to whip them out!  There was no fun being had at our table unless of course they were eating.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

{Dreams Do Come True}

Today couldn't have been a more beautiful day. The leaves on the trees were vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow on our drive to Bonnybrook Farm.  The breeze was refreshing while the sun warmed our faces. I had a lot of 'ah this is amazing' moments. While I was taking in the gorgeous weather, my little girl was excited to finally ride a horse. Today her dreams were going to come true.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Good Ol' Fashion Fun!

Tonight was awesome up until five minutes ago and then the bewitching hour took over in full force. The kiddos and I had some good ol' fashion fun. Landen and Caroline have been so excited about Halloween and all a buzz about 'spooky' or as Caroline says "fooky" things!  So tonight I came home and they were in awesome happy moods!  They saw a ghost on one of their cartoons and got so excited.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mommy Friendships

I spend a good chunk of my day as a kindergarten teacher helping the children learn how to be a good friend.  It's an area in which I'm always having to work at too.  Do you as a Mom feel like friendships became ten times harder after starting your family?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

'All the Single Mommas'

Tonight I was on my own with the kiddos.  Landen and Caroline were in rare form. They were whiny and just aggravting to each other. They barely touched their dinner but did plenty of other touching-like each other and every other thing they aren't supposed to get into. I was putting out fires left and right. 

On top of making dinner, paying bills, packing lunches, laying out clothes and unloading the dishwasher-just to load it again, I was trying to watch the twins and find a minute to breathe after having been up since 5:30.  It was Mommy this and Mommy that TIMES TWO with tugging and pulling-on me, while I'm attempting to fill their requests. 

Now, with that being said, I am not 'whining' myself-that is not my intention for this blog. This is simply a part of parenthood and it can be a challenge on some nights more than others. Agree? I'm a 'glass half full' kinda girl. I'm always trying to see things in a positive light and on nights like these I stop and think about all the single parents out there-Moms and Dads. 

Being a single parent these days doesn't look one particular way. Some people are single by choice with a child(ren), separated from their spouse/partner, widowed,  a souse/partner who is out of town for long periods of time, or have a husband/wife serving our country. While those Moms and Dads aren't on the front lines like their spouse/partner, they too are serving our country.  They let go of their loved ones for long periods of time so their spouse/partner can protect our freedom. These Mom's  are holding down a different fort-longing for letters to come in the mail and very short phone calls that come late at night. 

I wonder how these Moms do it.  You never have a break, you are responsible for making everything run smoothly-or just run on a daily basis.  You are always ON! I ponder how you keep it together-in all aspects of your life. How do you balance work and family, keep your cool, and keep organized? I can't even imagine how you find time to clean or even breathe in peace for a moment...and do I DARE ask if you ever have free time? 

To all the single Mommas out there, you have my up most respect.   To all of the families that let go of their loved ones who are called to serve our country- the BIGGEST thank you to you! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Guest Blogger: Chrissie Blatt

I am SO excited to welcome Chrissie Blatt, Mom and business owner of Chrissie Blatt Creative!  As Moms, I firmly believe we learn best from each other! Chrissie is an amazing person who I think you will enjoy getting to know! Please be sure to visit her site which is listed below or you can find the link to the right of this post under "Guest Bloggers." 

About Chrissie Blatt Creative

{CBC} specializes in creating unexpected, fresh & chic events of distinction. Unconventional & modern, {cbc} will turn your creative dreams into a reality.

Allow {CBC} to conceptualize & articulate your desired vision into an event you, your family & guests will remember forever. Utilizing local artisans, floral, fabrics & linens, unexpected objects, event rentals & props your vision will come to life. {CBC} will inject your event with personal custom details & designs that reflect your personality.

Chrissie Blatt Creative services include: Event Styling, Full Service Event Design & Execution, Creative Projects, Non-Profit Consulting, Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, Custom “Do It Yourself” Event Plans

With Chrissie Blatt

KC&MO: How do you manage your business and a family? 

Chrissie: Ha, manage? This one I am still working on. It is an ongoing process and I am adjusting daily to try to make it work. Event planning means just that, a lot of PLANNING so that my entire weekend isn't consumed with my client's events. I work hard during the week to prep as much as I can so I can make it to soccer games and birthday parties. 

KC&MO: What is your Mom must-have?

Chrissie: Beach balls, Glow Sticks & Balloons. These 3 items have saved me time after time. All 3 items are low cost, don't take up much space and can take the edge off boredom at any age (yes, even a 10 year old will knock a beach ball around). Keep these in your car and at home and buy in BULK!

KC&MO: Do you ever have time for yourself? If so, how do you treat your self? 

Chrissie:  I do have time and honestly my favorite activity is wandering the aisles of Target or IKEA with a Starbucks (alone). Event planning often times requires taking simple objects and turning them into something else. Coffee helps gets the creative juices flowing!

Kids & Halloween Snacks

As a mom of two & party planner I am often faced with a creative dilemma…to make something LOOK good or make it USEFUL? In a perfect world I would always be able to do both but many times it just has to be one or the other. 

Of course we all want Pinterest worthy parties but my favorite things to do for kids Halloween parties are the most SIMPLE. Although they look fabulous it isn't always necessary to buy expensive treats. The best come from the things most of us already have in our snack arsenal in the pantry…What do you need? Lots of snacks and a little bit of creativity.


Make your own MONSTER MIX!!!!

 All you need to do is raid the pantry and brainstorm as to what those snacks might be in spooky terms. Here are some of my favorites:

You can take this to whatever level you like. The sky is the limit. Place them in jars or bowls and display with scoops or spoons. You can make fancy signs, put them in frames or just write the names on construction paper! The kids can scoop their mix into bowls or into clear bags for them to take home as a favor.

Now sit back and let the kids create their own recipe for a Monster Mix and listen to them giggle as the pop ghost poop into their mouths and chomp on twisted bones.

Looking for more party ideas? 

Check out my Facebook page: Chrissie Blatt Creative

Thank you, Chrissie for taking the time to answer some Q&A's and for taking the time to share your talent with readers! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


Monday, October 20, 2014

Keep Calm and Mommy On: Finding The Right Lens

Keep Calm and Mommy On: Finding The Right Lens: 5:15-Alarm clock sounds. First thought, "I've got five more minutes." Five minutes later, "I just won't do my hair to...

Finding The Right Lens

5:15-Alarm clock sounds. First thought, "I've got five more minutes." Five minutes later, "I just won't do my hair today...." "Ugh, what time is it? I'll do my make-up when I get to work." Now, B.K. it was all about me and my schedule. There was no reason to not do my hair or make-up. No reason to not have breakfast at home. I always got to work at seven and was so proud of my perfect quiet time before my class arrived.  Now, it's pure excitement when I arrive at seven-thirty and a big, "Shoo I made it at seven-fifty." 
Having children has not only changed my perception of myself, but also my priorities.  It's important to me to have a balance between work and home. Most importantly, I want to feel I am doing well at both. Wouldn't you agree your whole mindset as a Mom changes when you have children? It's like we see things through a completely different lens.  We think in a way we never had to think before. We are challenged to manage ourselves and our families-we have to think ahead, be strategic, and plan.

I love how having children has made me see that even though I am not at work at seven, I am still successful at being a great teacher and completing all of my tasks-I have simply made better use of my time. I like saying, "What the heck!" with laundry on the weekend and going outside instead of staying in. While children can be challenging at times, I really believe God sent them to us at this point in our lives to make us stop and evaluate the things that are important in our lives-or what should be. 

If you think back, we spent all of high school and college focusing on ourselves and our careers.  We worry about landing the perfect job, meeting the perfect person, marrying the perfect person, and having kids (granted not everyone follows that plan-but you get what I'm saying).  We are in a way self-centered (and kinda have to be to get where we are going) and then our children make us stop and see our purpose and the beauty of each day.

I love seeing the world through my children's eyes. It's a new and exciting place for them and it can be for us Mom's too.  We just need the right lens. 

Keep Calm and Mommy On


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Twelve-AH I Said It!

So if you've read my profile under About Me, you've already heard me mention how staying healthy is important to me, I love to run three to four times a week and I'm also a size twelve.  I NEVER thought I would say those words (size twelve) out loud to a friend let alone on a blog-maybe I have lost it?!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

'Picture Perfect'

You know how you watch a family movie and everything is 'picture perfect.'  It's really hard to have a 'picture perfect ' moment or event with two-year-old twins,  but this afternoon was 'perfect' in my books. My parents have always been amazing at making things especially nice for us kids. Traditions have been in place for years and they go above and beyond to make a good time for us! 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Memorable Moments-The Not So Pretty Ones

Now I'm sure any new Mom or experienced Mom has plenty of memorable moments with their child. I had one yesterday.  As I was racing to get Landen and Caroline dressed to head to the Dr.s, I conveniently remembered after having dressed Caroline head to toe, that she needed to go to the bathroom before we left- Oh the pleasures and pain of potty training.

Sippy Cup Help, Please!

Mornings... My favorite! Cuddling up drinking coffee and feeling rested! Do any of you feel like this time is the best version of you?! We've read books, made a healthy breakfast, completed puzzles, and  have just been HaPpY!  Landen and Caroline are using their manners and sharing!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Facing A Fear

I faced a fear of mine today. Taking the twins to the Drs on my own. I've been putting off the Twins' 2 1/2 well check up.  So I called the pediatrician today schedule an appointment and I asked if Landen and Caroline could get their flu shots.  The nurse on the phone  informed me they could be put on the waiting list or I could come in this morning.  I politely declined telling the nurse it was save all of us a big headache.  Some time went by and I started thinking," What if the shot isn't available in November when they go?" " They're in preschool now, they really need that shot." "They don't know what's best for them..stop being a whimp!"

Who do you see in your children?

Good Morning!

 It's bright and early on a day off! Landen decided he was going to get up around six and turn all of the light on upstairs including the lights in their bedroom-waking Sissy up. As much as I wanted to sleep in until seven, getting those good morning snuggles in bed felt SO good!  

  One of the perks to having twins is double the snuggles! While we were hanging out in bed, Landen dropped a toy. Caroline, aka Sissy, said, " I'll get it!" Landen replied with, "thank you!"  This past summer we worked on saying please and thank you. As parents ( Aaron and I) we really want to raise polite, kind-hearted, loving children.  Now the manners can be taught, but the rest you really can't teach-they have to be surrounded by good role models to learn the rest.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

JuGgLiNg Act

Life is a juggling act-for anyone, mommy or not. I am frequently asked, how I manage twins and work. My answer is structure and planning. I have many things I love that make my life easier for being on the go. Here is 'how I do it.'

Monday, October 13, 2014



I'm taking the night off! See you on the flip side! 

Keepin' Calm and Mommyin' On!


Mommy Flaws

I'm not sure about you, but I feel like I have 'Mommy Flaws.' I don't claim to be the perfect person and I certainly don't claim to be the perfect mom.  BK (before kids) I had a really good control on everything. I could spend a ridiculous amount of time on a project at home or on cleaning and organizing the house. I had time for family, friends, and neighbors. We could make every cook out or special event with ease. Ah and the best-making last minute plans. Yea that never happens. I at least need a weeks notice and even then I may still not be able to come. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Be Shrewd. Be Compassionate. Be Honest.

I have to begin by saying I never expected to get such wonderful messages about this blog or the amount of views in a week of blogging. Like I mentioned in my first blog, this is a fun hobby for me. I by no means think I am the only person in the world that has had these experiences, but for me they are new. I am always going to feel like a new parent because I have yet to fully raise one. So until that happens, I'm still experiencing the firsts of many things.  This blog is intended to be candid-good,bad and the ugly.  I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to reach out and inspire me as well as share helpful advice where I have needed it.  My hope is we, as moms-experienced and new, can help build up one another and be a positive support system.  Thank you for reading! 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Annoyed... Yes, I too get That Way!

I'm annoyed. It's nobody's fault but I'm just annoyed. Annoyed at the fact I haven't had genuine time for myself and annoyed that by the time I do have time for myself I'm too tired to do a gosh darn thing. this moment in time I'm suffering from what I call 'growing pains.'

Being Brave

I did it. I ventured out to Jump and Jacks with the kids- alone. Now when the kids were little and locked down in their car seat or stroller I went everywhere with them. But now stroller rides aren't exciting for them anymore and they wiggle out of their seats-little Houdinis. Reliving the scenario of a shopping trip disaster is frightening.  Shopping, double stroller, kids running in two different directions all while trying to keep track of my purse so we can

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Pushing Mommy's Buttons

I was so close to going to the van tonight and sitting for some peace and quiet. Landen decided to get around five-thirty this morning ( what the heck!!!). The day had been great but there is something about the four to five p.m. time. It's like a 'push all of mommy's buttons' time when my patience is tried and the kids just think it is SO funny. Aaron came home at a decent time tonight which was instant relief-well what I thought was going to be relief.

Landen and Caroline LOVE and ADORE Aaron. But for some reason tonight they ONLYwanted 'mommy!' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' 'mommy,' was said about that many times in two seconds. They were on me off me on me off me and PLEASE don't get me wrong I LOVE them and all of their attention, but with every jab to my stomach from climbing on me and push here and there, I just needed a little personal s-p-a-c-e. That's all. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Baby Belly Two -Years Later...

This post about Jennifer Garner and her 'baby bump' made my night! She's had three kids and yes it's there! I feel like this about my belly. I was huge! Of course it makes sense to have stretch marks all the way around my belly! But why do 'us' moms feel like they shouldn't be there or it's not attractive?

History Lesson/Special Announcement

It's the beginning to a nice long weekend. We had our YOLO meal and snuggled up with the kids. Unfortunately my little love bug, Caroline, was complaining it was cold. As I'm wrapping blankets around her I notice her skin is far from cold but extremely warm. Sure enough this momma is starting the long weekend with a sick one. I'm guessing it's a little virus. She has no other symptoms. Here is hoping this passes.

Have you ever wondered where the whole "Keep Calm and..." Came from? I did. Believe it or not, if you didn't already know, it comes from back around WW II. Here is what Wiki has to say about it: 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Keeping Life in Perspective

I have to admit my school day ended with slight frustration. I was irritated Landen and Caroline would not leave my classroom so we could go home. Landen threw corn from the sensory table in the air and Caroline ran to the class pet.  I did the whole, "see you later guys!" And walked out the door. I stood outside of the classroom and even stomped my feet like I was walking away. Caroline eventually came but not Landen.  

So what does any good twin sibling do? Run in opposite directions! Landen dove under a stable and Caroline took off down the hall. "Who do I catch first?" Was my only thought. So with my bags hanging off my shoulders in hope of catching them and dragging them out to the van, I swooped under the art table only for Landen to crawl out and run into blocks. At this point I'm worried about where Caroline took off to. I caught her in our muscle room and brought her back to my room again. Then Groundhogs day started all over. She ran, Landen dove and I went after him first. I carried him out, probably in the most uncomfortable position and started to the muscle room for Caroline. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

'Shake It Off'

After a rainy day, the sun was out and I was driving home from a little bit of IKEA shopping. Taylor Swift's song 'shake it off' came on and I of course began to jam. I turned the music up, rolled the window down and just drove-I felt like I was eighteen again, wind in my hair, care-free, energized and then it ended. The song was over and my ride in fantasy land came to a screeching halt. 

There I was sitting in my minivan with my personalized mommy plates, with the back end filled with car seats,random toys, tissues, an empty purse for those seldom occasions of needing one, diaper bag, and little pieces of food rattling up and down the sliding doors. I quickly realized I was far from being care-free and that I really need to clean up my messy van! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Skinny Jeans

Skinny jeans have been the latest trend-not sure they're still in since I don't have much time to read fashion magazines, but I do own a couple pair. As I slid my, LOFT Julie skinny jeans on today with a little hop, I couldn't help but think, " Am I supposed to feel skinny in my skinny jeans or am I supposed to feel like a bunch of potatoes in a ziplock bag." Granted I've put on a few lbs-gotta love the gift of fluctuation or maybe it's been a few too many treats, but when it comes to skinny jeans you can certainly feel the pain of a few lbs. needless to say it's 'back on the healthy horse this week.'

Weight, who doesn't struggle with it? If you don't, you have know idea the gift you've been given-so enjoy it.  While you're enjoying it, the rest of us will continue to drive ourselves nuts with exercising, calorie counting, and feeling guilty when we splurge. YOLO-right?  

I often joke that I was born a size twelve. It just seems to be the place my body is comfortable. I've finally have reached the place where I know that I'm eating healthy and consistently exercising so therefor, I am happy with myself.  Granted I could work out more but when it comes to being a working mom, I rather do what I know I can do for the long run then to burn myself out . I hope you fellow moms can find peace with your beautiful selves and be healthy at the same time- no matter what size the tag says on your skinny jeans!  


Note: LOFT has amazing pants with great fits for various shapes! Check them out and sign up for emails with great offers! 

Saturday, October 4, 2014


I had a request for the commercials...unfortunately I don't have the Tampax commercial on CD since it was a concept commercial-lol..however I have the Robke Ford/Chevy for you...and WOW look at the eyebrows! My agent told me they needed to be full....whew! This is quiet the throwback for me!


Note: You have to be on desk top/lap top to view. 

Silence is Golden...

Silence is Golden...

Friday, October 3, 2014

My First 'Mommy On' Post

So most of you know me as a daughter, wife, friend, neighbor or teacher....and of course the BIG title of MOM. Being a mom is no joke. It's a duty in which you cannot appreciate until you are one. There is no preparing for it either. You can read your heart out on 'what to expect' books, I did too, but they WILL not prepare you for the life your child is about to determine for you and your spouse/partner. 

Whether you are a mom to one or mom to ten, it's a job that is around the clock-literally. While I consider myself the above titles, I often dream of the other titles I'd love to be too. Like an event planner, interior designer, marketing exec and even a writer.  I've written for as long as I can remember. I have journals from back in the day about all my life events and boyfriends...which you could use for a good teen or  love story movie. I enjoy it. This is my outlet in life along with wine- don't judge me.