Tuesday, December 16, 2014

{Too Young?!}

I don't know about you, but I am still trying to finish my Christmas shopping. I typically have it finished by the first week of December, but this season I have just been doing it as I can. Today before work I decided to stop in to the grocery store to grab some wine and some cards I needed. I get to the U-scan and begin checking out, saving the wine for last. I get into my purse after having rung up the first bottle and I can't find my drivers license. 

I started digging in my wallet. I looked in my checkbook( yeah I still use this outdated form of payment) and felt every card to see if they were stuck together. No luck. I swear I kept thinking it was going to pop out.  No license. The lady at the check-out was nice and explained she couldn't sell them to me if I didn't find my license. Like I didn't know that! 

Honestly, I was hoping standing there searching through my purse, calling Aaron,  talking about my kids, and checking every crevice of my wallet the 'lovely' attendant would help me out.  No. She approached me for the second time and she said, "I would love to sell it to you, but you're just too young looking." Seriously?! I never hear this any other time.  I'm twenty-nine years-old.  I wanted to say, "can I show you my stretch marks to prove I'm plenty old to buy this wine!"  Okay, so maybe that's a little much but thats how I was feeling....She then goes on to say, " Did you go out this weekend, maybe a bar and you put your ID in your jeans?" I couldn't help but laugh. I told her that never happens and that I have twins followed by, " the only place I went this weeknd was the zoo." 

I must have been looking 'refreshed' today after finally getting a full nights sleep-it's been a good week or so since that has happened.  Yes, the comment was nice, but I much rather have had the wine. Now to make another trip out to finish some of my shopping. 

As Moms, do you ever find yourself just completely exhausted and just feeling older than your age? I think we sometimes get caught up in our 'grown up' lives that we forget that we are still young. While I didn't get two things marked off my to-do-list, I have to say I was given the pleasant reminder that I'm not as old as I feel sometimes.

Keep Calm and Mommy On!



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