Saturday, December 27, 2014

{Mommy Confessions: Dirty Little Secrets}

As a Mom do you ever feel like you are keeping 'dirty little secrets' from you friends, co-workers, and even family?  I often times wonder if people can see through into my world of chaos and I questions, do they judge me the things I just said about my kids or how I handled a situation with them (especially since I'm a teacher)? TODAY and surveyed 25,000 moms and the number eight mommy confession found 88%of Moms let the judging fly when it comes to looking at other Moms and how they parent...So I guess the odds are slim  that no one is judging Me! 

The reality is, we're human and we do what we do at the moment because it seems to make sense. Or we do things because honestly we are just plain tired and are desperate at times for a break. A break in the cleaning, refereeing, planning, organizing, picking up, paying bills, packing lunches, loading and unloading our mini-vans and SUVs, and just a break in the routine of LIFE. No we wouldn't change it for the world, yes we are grateful for our amazing family, but there are moments of weakness when you are a Mom and you just throw your hands in the air and do whatever makes you feel better!  

To make us Mom's feel a little more human and not alone, I've put together a top ten list of my dirty little secrets as a Mom..Lord knows it could have been longer!
 2014 TOP TEN  'Dirty Little Secrets':

10 - Soap Opera Addict. I am dedicated to watching Days of Our Lives and drinking wine on a daily basis. This is when I transition from going from 100 miles an hour to 0 and IT. FEELS. GOOD!  

9- I Break Bed Time Rules. I let my daughter nap in our bed   ( Moms, you know what risky habits that can create!) because  I honestly needed it more than her and wanted to ensure she went to bed too! 

8- I Indulge. When this happens, it happens in very bad ways! Starbucks Galore, during Christmas time I hit the homemade sweets (I typically refrain from making them but Aaron wanted them this year-darn buckeyes!), and I of course enjoy my cheese and needed. 

7-Social Media Addict....At times, I am glued to my iPhone/iPad. Sometimes It's email, but a lot of the time I check out scrolling through the lives of those in the social media world...these mental breaks feel like five minutes when really thirty have gone by...why aren't cartoons longer?

6- I Don't Read Bedtime Stories. I just don't. Honestly in the beginning we would do one and they would hop in bed. Now, if I were to read one, then I have to read another, and another, and another so it's even. Then they are wide awake from all the reading we have to then begin bedtime all over again..NO thanks. Kisses, hugs, prayer, and good night! 

5-Temper Tantrums Are Allowed. I let my kids throw temper tantrums in public (and even when guest are over to our home) and I just ignore them. I used to try and shush them but let's be honest, lungs on two two-year-old twins will always win...

4- I Use My Kids as an Excuse.  I dress silly really for me and say I'm doing it for my kids. What can I say, it's my only outlet (aside from this). And anyways, doesn't every mom deserve to be a little crazy? 

3- I  broke my rule of washing my hair every other day...thank God for dry Shampoo! I really have nothing to add to this...I know it's gross.. 

2-  I Let My Kids Run Wild. At home, in public sometimes they both get a wild hair and the only thing wild about me is my messy bun floppin' on the side of my head...They never really destroy anything, but they certainly can clear a path and find good hiding spots on store shelves. Gotta love a good game of hide-and-go-seek.

1-Yoga Pants No No. I was dressed up (tonight)  with friends over, one having just met, and I excused myself to put on my yoga pants and a T because I was just too hot and uncomfortable hosting and playing with the kids...A for effort, right? 
This is soon to be me...

Moms, if this doesn't make you feel a little bit better about who you are as a Mom, you can head on over to  where there are some real crazy (I guess I'm in that 88% group of judging moms)  Mom confessions that will make me and you look like we truly have it together.  Bottom line, you're not alone!

Keep Calm and Mommy On!



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