Sunday, December 21, 2014

{Friends & Kids: Two of Life's Greatest Gifts}

Do you remember or are you currently in the situation where some of your friends are married, some single, and some married with kids? It's weird when your friends are starting families and you are still free to do whatever you want when you want (if you are currently in this category-Enjoy it!) 

Then you have kids and everything kind of changes. You enter in to a different 'group' where dates are no longer at the latest trendy spot instead you have play dates to Chick-Fila, the park, or the zoo.

Aaron and I feel like we've made it over that hump where things are awkward. We've been parent long enough that we feel comfortable in that role and we've long forgotten what life was like before kids ( lots of laughs-but its true!) We have friends that are settled down, beginning families, or are just wonderful kid people who know how to be silly, fun, and loving. I feel like I have finally found true friends that will be around forever. 

Tonight, Aaron cooked a wonderful dinner for my kindergarten teacher friends and one brought her husband (he's a total gem too!) As parents-to-be, we enjoyed talking to them about the soon arrival of their baby and what it will be like. It was so fun reminiscing while being so excited for this new adventure for the couple. I can't wait to see them become parents! It's going to be an amazing journey that I hope to be a small part of! 

So where am I going with all of this? Always hang on to your friends through these somewhat awkward life transitions. So you may not be on the same page at this point in time, you may be again in the near future. Also, take the time as busy parents to have adult time even when the kids are around. Our kids are a huge part of who we are and we should share them with everyone..and share our friends with our kids! 

I'm so thankful this Christmas season for the abundance of joy that is surrounding our family.  To my amazing friends, thank you for being apart of my life and my family's life. You bring a warmth to our life that we would be lonely without! 

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