Thursday, December 11, 2014

{A Working Mom's Juggle}

For the past few weeks it feels like our household has had many of eventful days and moments. The week before Thanksgiving, Landen and Caroline came down sick and followed by pink eye.Then we had the fun of the holidays and tree hunting and my trip last weekend.   This week is now competing with the rest (insert sarcasm). 

Caroline came down sick Monday, our tree toppled over Tuesday, Wednesday we put the tree back together (hopefully for the final time!) and today when getting ready to dress the kids for school, I noticed Landen was on fire-not literally of course!  I looked at my husband, for the third time this week, and asked, "What do you want to do (as in who is staying home?)."

I have to admit I had that 'moment' today where the working mom in me thought, "It's a really, really low's probably nothing he can go to school." But then quickly the teacher in me thought, "NO! There is plenty of things going around! Are you CRAZY! He is two!"  

It's not always easy being a working parent. And as you and I both know, being a parent comes first.  It's just the way it is. I used to feel horrible when I would miss work because the twins would be sick. But the reality is, this is life and unfortunately I can't control when Landen and Caroline are going to get sick.  With that being said, I just throw my hands in the air. You just can't sweat the small stuff.

While I am hoping for a less eventful week next week, I know it's just easier to roll with the punches. In the grand scheme of things, these annoyances are just that. We can't miss out on the beauty of each day with our kids. Hearing Landen and Caroline name colors, count to ten, and take care of one another makes my heart grow, even in these ever changing days. I would hate it if I let all the small stuff get in the way of these memorable moments.
These are some of the best days of our lives as parents. So if you are in the same crazy boat as I am, make sure you're not missing out on what really matters. And if you have to, have a glass of wine;-) This too shall pass...

Keep Calm and Mommy On ! 


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