Thursday, December 18, 2014

{peace,love, days until Christmas?! Ahh!!}

Today I was home with Landen and Caroline. My mom is sick with the flu-poor thing! Landen and Caroljne are doing better.  So for the second,maybe third, week in a row Aaron and I are dividing and conquering.  So today was my turn to be with my two favorite little people- I got to sleep in today!!!

I managed to tackle some Christmas gift wrapping. I made the mistake of getting out all the supplies while the kids were around (where was the WARNING on that friends?!)  The ribbon is now in a tangled mess and I spent most of the time playing interference- they loved the scissors and tape. I still have the kid's gifts to wrap but that should be doable in the next seven days-OMG where has December  went???

On these cold winter days, how do you stay at home moms do it? It's already dark..if I hadn't spent my 'shower' time wrapping I could have gone out I suppose...I do have to say my BFF (is that lame to say now? 😄) in Georgia sent me a package and in it was something amazing! Plastic monogrammed wine glasses with an indentation for your finger! Talk about perfect! I couldn't help but try one out...its 5 o'clock here!!  Thank you Lindsey! 

I hope you all are enjoying Hanukkah and for my friends preparing for Christmas, I hope you are finding time to get it all done with joy in your heart! Much love to you all!



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