Monday, December 22, 2014

{One of Each}

If you are a parent of boy/girl twins you will probably be able to relate well to this.  Ever since Aaron and I found out we were having "one of each" so many people said, " wow, you're done now! " or "that's efficient." Having a boy and a girl is fun. It's amazing to watch as they developed similarly when they little but now we are beginning to see them become their own person. 

I was never big on dressing my kids a like or really for that matter doing anything "the same" because they're twins.  It's too much effort and really, I just wanted them to be themselves. I didn't want to turn them into my "dolls" by playing dress up. If that's your thing-more power to you! I don't know how you find the time or have the energy to put in to it! And anyways Caroline won't let me dress her now. She has become quiet the two-year-old fashionista. 

She likes picking out all pieces of her clothing including socks and shoes. This new interest also has her choosing bows for her hair-yay!!!!!! I'm so excited to have her hair out of her face! FINALLY!  This past Saturday we began our Christmas celebrations and Caroline chose an outfit that was clearly meant for valentines but she loved it and was excited to wear can you say no to that? 

Today at the zoo, a lady was passing by with a stroller and a few children walking by her side.  Caroline's latest decision was she didn't want to wear a coat but she wanted to wear a pink polka dotted dress with leggings, purple gloves, and a winter hat. The lady said she was happy to see she wasn't the only one that let her child wear whatever she wanted. I hollered to her," it's just not worth the fight." On a side note, this trip included NO public temper was really an amazing trip!

I love when my students, and now my own children, become responsible and take care of themselves. Sure Caroline may not match right now, but in this process she will learn about what goes together and what doesn't. For now she's just going to march around proudly in whatever she picks out.  

So while some think having twins is really all about being the same, in our household we really just follow their lead and let them be who they are. We aren't really the type of parents who are trying to force them to like one thing or another. It's really up to them. It's so much more interesting to see what choices they make for themselves. It certainly keeps things more fun for Aaron and I. 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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