Friday, December 19, 2014

{Cheerios & Noses}

Cheerios and Noses. We experienced this 'common' thing kids do tonight.

 Aaron and I came home with the kids  after driving through a beautiful park with Christmas lights. The kids were hungry, made their requests, and we gathered in the living room to relax and watch a little TV.  While Aaron is in the kitchen and I'm on the couch, Caroline turns around in front of me and is complaining about her nose hurting.

Landen got her a tissue (sweet kid!) and I started looking up her nose and sure enough I could see it...a cheerio! After slightly panicking and calling on Dr.Dad, she managed to blow her nose (after screaming for what felt like forever) really well and she said, " I got it!" I never saw it come out but she acting totally fine now with no complaints...Yes, we put a call into the Dr. They gave us some tips to try. 

I'm telling you, there is NEVER a dull moment around here!! You better believe I'll be keeping a keen eye on those two now when they have small snacks!

Here is to a wild kick off to winter break! 


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