Tuesday, December 2, 2014

{Mommy Guilt}

Why is it I can't ever do anything for me without feeling guilty?  I have been so excited for my weekend trip to Chicago for a conference, but as it drawls near, I am starting to feel bad. I have never left the kids for a long weekend-with Aaron yes, but not without the three of them. I keep reminding myself that professionally I need this trip but most importantly I'm going to be having fun with my friend. I think I am one of the only people in my social circle that has never been to Chicago.  I am going to be that geeky person who wants to do all the touristy things. I am hoping to even go for a run! Gotta love a change of scenery!  I can't wait! 

I guess as Moms, we are going to be just that-a Mom.  I suppose it's our instinct to wonder, worry and miss our little people.  Moments like this makes me realize how very much I love Landen and Caroline.  I'm thankful for technology, because I see some face time in our near future while I'm gone. I will certainly need it more than the kids.

I have to say I'm so thankful I can leave and know Aaron is holding down the fort and I really don't have to worry about any logistics there. I've said it before, but I can't help but mention what a great dad, husband, and overall man he is. 

What has your latest challenge been as a Mom? Have you conquered it? Still working on it?  I hope you are having a wonderful week. Tomorrow is hump day! Hooray! Enjoy! 

 It's time to keep packing....

Keepin' Calm and Mommin' On!


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