Saturday, December 6, 2014

{Mommy Confessions: Being Away}

Last Thursday I did something I never do at work. I seeked my children out so I could give them one last hug and kiss before I left for my conference in Chicago. I squeezed them tight and kissed them. I rubbed the top of Landen's head and brushed Caroline's off her sweet face. I knew I was leaving but they really didn't have a clue. After about four running hugs from Caroline, I blew them a kiss and walked out the door-and I didn't cry!

I spoke to my husband today who now is sure he does not want to be a stay at home dad. From what I hear, he is exhausted but the kids are having fun. They had pizza and movie night on Friday, dinner and a train ride tonight with their paw paw Rob and lots of 'days of the week' review. They are now familiar with Friday, Saturday and Sunday since they've been keeping track of when I come home. We've face timed a few times and Landen and Caroline had fun with it. Caroline showed me her dog, her dog's tail and of course the paw. Landen ran around the house screaming- about right.

While all that fun was being had at home, I have certainly enjoyed the hospitality of those in Chicago (especially my co-worker, Lisa, family!) I love it here. City life is fun and just makes sense to me. Chicago is nothing like the cities I've grown up around. It's an amazing melting pot of eclectic people, stores, and small shops. The community is rich in arts and design. It's stunning even on a cold dreary day. I can only imagine how beautiful it is in the spring. 

I had the opportunity to ride the train to and from the city the day of our conference. Lisa and I had coffee on Michigan Aveune, ventured in to the most amazing candy shop, took our picture by the Trump building (and all of those other necessary selfie sight-seeing spots), visited the bean and watched police patrol a group of protestors. Today I got to take a nice run to Lincoln Park.  
The change of scenery was lovely and the run it self was totally necessary as I have enjoyed some Chicago deep dish pizza, Thai food as well as Italian.  There is a lot of necessary running in my future-but it was So good! Ooooo-and I polished my nails! 

So did I have a great time? No.I had an amazing time! I can now mark Chicago off my bucket list and I have great memories to go with it. I feel refreshed and I have to say I am looking forward to kissing my sweet babies face...and certainly my husband to!  So leaving for a long weekend wasn't so bad, ask my amazing husband tomorrow...he may say it was great but I assure you he is tired from not having a break (thank you honey!). 

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 

Good Night Chicago!


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