Wednesday, December 31, 2014

{It's Complicated}

I'm not sure about you, but as my twins grow older, I find myself in more complicated situations. I swear God made children so us adults could grow into parents. I feel like becoming a parent is not as easy as bringing a child in the world and BAM you get the title. It's almost like we have to earn the title along the way. As you and I both know, it's NOT always easy.

Where "Complicated" begins.  As new parents you start off dealing with the random explosions, yes from both ends, that of course are going to happen in public or any other inconvenient or less than ideal time.  While we would all love to say those things will never happen again, they will. Let's just say explosions are the building blocks of complicated situations.  Moving on. Next, you have the drooling phase that is only cute and adorable if you are a close relative and even then, it's not always fun holding your next of kin when they are soaking wet in spit...yuck.  To anyone who has been a parent for awhile, those situation are no longer considered 'complicated.' Now there are bigger fish to fry.

I'm not sure about you, but in our "two-year-old world," we are in the arena of temper tantrums, testing boundaries, and random acts. The random acts are what you can't prepare for which for me is nerve racking.  Let's start with temper tantrums. When our kids enter into this unstable state of mind, Aaron and I have to start thinking like the Navy Seals in Juggernaut. You have to begin tactical thinking so the ticking time bombs will not go off. You have to be swift and pretty much communicate with one another through ESP. I'm sure if you have kids our age or older, you cant totally relate.

Lately, our most intricate situations are around testing boundaries. As a teacher, I am successful in running a classroom with boundaries and logical consequences. Before entering parenting boot camp, I had troubles really understanding why it's difficult to have boundaries and consequences at home.  As of this winter break, I now completely understand.  We have had a few situations where the twins wouldn't do what I ask. I put my teacher hat on, gave two choices, and then a consequence if they didn't do what I asked. Then you enter "temper tantrum" city and begin with the tactical thinking. 

Today, our friends were over and I asked Landen to pick up the tissue paper on the floor and put it in the bag. He replied, "No." My friend was sitting on the couch, I looked at her and then looked at him and knew I had to follow through. There is something about having friends/company over that makes me want to just say, "whatever." I don't want to HAVE to work on behavior and respect when I'm dying to just have adult conversation. But the reality is, as parents, we can't.  We have to give it our all and earn our "Parent Badge" so to speak. 

RaNdOm Acts.  S-C-A-R-E-Y. I fear random acts are going to be like the building blocks I talked about previously-these will always be around. Not knowing what your child is going to say, repeat, or do isn't so bad when it occurs around you and your spouse. Then you move on to those things occurring around family and even then, it's not so bad. But around friends and strangers. Eek!  Landen and Caroline are parrots. You're probably thinking, "not a big deal, they repeat something just said." Oh no-not always the case.  Caroline will "surprise" you with a phrase or something she has heard at a time in which you don't expect it.  While, "step on it Mommy"  is about as bad as it has been, I fear what she will begin to say as she gets older and a little more wise.  (Note to self-less adult talk or s-p-e-l-l  i-t  o-u-t!)

That doesn't even scratch the surface.  You never know when they are going to run off, randomly whack the other (God, please don't let them hit another kid!), wrestle which becomes a brawl, bark like a dog, lick people (it's weird for me too) like a dog, join another table for dinner or coffee, hang on the bathroom door, steal a toy,creep on strangers (another story for another day), and somehow manage to make their food fly with little or no effort. And then, you pray it doesn't hit an innocent by stander.  

Moms, you have spent 2014 working hard on your 'Parent Badge.' And while I may be at a different stage than you, I know that you're either getting ready to experience it, or you can sympathize and give me a heads up on whats coming! I can't tell you how much I enjoy sharing this journey with you. Thank you for joining me through this blog and sharing your stories, joys, and confessions. Keep Calm has been a highlight of 2014 for me. I am so excited to see what 2015 holds for all of us! I wish you all a very Happy, Healthy, and Bright New Year (I think I'll actually be able to stay up and watch the ball drop this year!!)!  Here is to new beginnings! Cheers!

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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