Tuesday, December 9, 2014

{Daddy On}

Last night we were getting ready to load up in the van to go for another trip to see Christmas lights (this age is amazing and so fun at Christmas!!) and Caroline was standing in the kitchen with her coat, hat and gloves on. I was digging for keys and Caroline shouted, "Mommy On Daddy!" 

Dad means a lot around our house. While I was gone to Chicago this past weekend, my husband, Aaron, ran our ever busy household. He even sent a picture the first day that said, "pick up kids-check!" 

While I was away he picked up from school, threw a little pizza party, gave baths, did laundry, took the kids to ride a train, and out to dinner with their Paw Paw Rob.  And NO I didn't not tell him to do any of that! There was no list left for him! To top it off, his sleep was interrupted by one of the twins every night...I think they just wanted to keep my spot warm! 

Dads are amazing. I don't know about you, but I have to admit that I have been known to grunt and groan here and there about how 'I'm the one always prepping and planning' but it really comes down to me being 'wired' differently than him and possibly that type A personality has something to do with it. But thats not his fault. 

I often think Dads catch more flack than they deserve and not enough recognition for the things they do. Are all dads created equal? Unfortunately not. But in honor of those awesome dads out there: 



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