Sunday, December 14, 2014

{Screaming All the Way}

Yup, it happened-total twin public meltdown. Last night we finished riding the train and meeting Santa. Landen and Caroline had been in awesome moods and were really good sports waiting in line for a good half hour to meet yours truly. We headed to dinner across the way and that is where everything began to go South.

I waited with the kids at the table while Aaron waited in a really long line for food. By the time he got to the table, I went to the bathroom and stood in the infamous long line for women. By the time I got back, I believe h-ll broke loose and dinner was over for our family and I had not had one bite. Aaron tossed his food, the kids started fussing and we rudely got up from the table with our family still eating and began packing up to go outside.

Once we all met together outside and I stood and ate my food, we started down to Africa to go see the lights. I had told Landen and Caroline they were going to ride in the stroller to see the lights because it was so packed- I didn't want to loose them!  They protested and while traffic is quickly clearing in front of us because of the screaming, someone stopped us.  A past parent for me and a guest blogger to you, Chrissie stopped to give us a hard time. I'm glad she did because it made me stop and laugh whether I wanted to or not. There is now public proof that as a teacher, I have moments as a Mom that my children are unhappy and screaming in public too.

In screaming moments like these, as a mom and teacher, I was ignoring Landen and Caroline's behavior. I knew they were just being two-year-old. But I also try and ignore everyone around me.  I'm sure we were getting some good looks as Landen and Caroline's screams were much louder than the carolers'. They were a sight too. Wiggling and fussing with big coats on trying to escape what they felt like was injustice.

 How did it end? We pulled off, decided it had been a busy afternoon and that we needed to head towards the exit. We let Caroline and Landen scream some more until Caroline acted like she was going to pass out. We let them out set some ground rules of holding a hand of an adult and off we went. Caroline paused to listen to the beautiful Carolers sing their song until the started a song that "hurt my ears." Landen kept saying "bye-bye" as we walked through 'lolipop lane' and we admired some more displays on the way out. Leave it to Paw Paw and Mimi to quickly erase the screaming episode that had just occurred by creating ten minutes of happiness by the big Christmas tree. They bought Landen and Caroline glow sticks with those fibers that change colors. They laughed and chased and the world was right again.

Last night was fun-I can honestly say that.  Temper tantrums happen-yes to Mrs. Foulk too.

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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