Saturday, December 13, 2014


I think I've entered a state of delirium. I've been blaming my sleepiness on Mother Nature when after having a half  nights sleep (yay!!!) I realize Aaron and I haven't really had good sleep for the past three weeks.

We decided last night to take shifts which  worked out great other than Aaron was sleeping on the couch while Landen fell back to sleep to some PawPatrol. I  have a feeling, now that I'm awake, these kiddos are going to sleep until seven or eight.  I think it's time for coffee...or not. Landen just curled up between my legs. 

With being a first time mom, I am kinda assuming my kids are getting back to back colds or virus. Would you experienced moms agree? Caroline went to the dr on Monday and they said her lungs sounded great and gave her the amoxicillin because of her two week nose what is this that's going around with a fever attached to it?  Those of you Moms who have twins, how do I stop the vicious cycle of sharing..I can clean and clean all I want but the coughing and sneezing is somewhat uncontrollable even though they are pretty good at using their elbow.

Whatever it going around can stop...and make a quick exit from our house! I am really hoping all you Mommas and your children are fending off the sickness going around! As the Walgreens employees say, "Be Well!"

Keep Calm and Mommy On (maybe with a can of Lysol in your hand!)


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