Monday, December 29, 2014

{Making Big Decisions}

Making big decisions with kids around is a dangerous thing. It's also a very dangerous thing to do on three hours of sleep (that's a story for another day). Today my husband and I headed out to finally tackle choosing new carpet for our home. As any Mom does, I prepped the kids about what we were going to be doing and I gave them a 'job' to do when we got there.  Landen and Caroline were totally on board-so I thought. 

The first store we got to they were mostly awesome. Then they started running around. Aaron was trying to talk logistics and was asking me to look at this sample and that sample in between isle runs to catch L and C. How do those little legs move so fast?!  They dart, turn on a dime, and can hide in the smallest places making it impossible for me to get to them without tearing a display down! 

The phrase "you get that one I'll get the other"  has been used ALOT between Aaron and I lately. Unfortunately, when we catch Landen and Caroline, they get really silly or start screaming...which happened at the second store.

The second store we decided to make our final decision. Spending a chunk of change and hoping we communicated well with one another on what we were getting was nearly impossible...I guess next week when it's installed, we will see how good of a job we did making a big decisions while juggling two 'Bulls in the China shop.' I'll let ya know the out come. 

After all that fun this morning I crashed-like out cold, had to be woken up so I could go to my hair appointment. I scheduled it for today thinking I would need some me time after the busy holiday. Doesn't it figure all I really wanted to do was sleep after a rough night and morning. But, after a cup of coffee, some retail and salon therapy, I'm feeling a little better...I only wish my fun didn't have to be caffeine induced..but I'll take it! 

It's been a busy time of year. Carve some time out for you Mom! You deserve it! Cheers!

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


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