Wednesday, March 4, 2015

{Do I Dare: Follow-Up}

Winter is not over in Ohio. The next round of winter storms are getting ready to roll in and I am fortunate enough to have the afternoon at home with Landen and Caroline.  I love this "bonus" time home but I have to say what I do with my time is always a debate-with myself. 

Knowing Landen and Caroline have to go down for a nap means I have roughly two hours to myself. I began prioritizing on the way home. I did a quick sweep of items strewn around the house, got the kids in bed, washed out the hair color from spirit day, and then wrestled with the idea of cleaning, napping, or blogging. Do you ever do this? I always try and talk myself out of the mundane things that are always going to be there and enjoy my time doing something I love. Then I actually feel like I had some time for me. If you aren't putting yourself first every once and a while, you NEED to do yourself, and your family, a favor! You will be a better mom for it!

Three weeks ago I made a post titled, " Do I Dare." I mentioned how my friend inspired and motivated me to clean up our basement and set up our workout equipment so I could actually use it. Now, I'll be the first to say finding time in our busy mommy lives is NOT easy. Sometimes we are so busy with work, family, school, and other obligations that we are emotionally, mentally, and physically SPENT.  I've been there and there is no doubt in my mind that I will be feeling those things again in the future. But for now, I have a sense of order in my life that has helped me find time, energy, and strength to become a physically better version of me.

I've always wanted to be a healthy active mom even though I have always thought of exercising (I HATE that word!) as a chore. Since the twins were born, I have wanted Landen and Caroline to grow up around healthy foods and see my husband and I taking care of ourselves through being active and exercising. I decided when Landen and Caroline were infants that I was going to take advantage of the nice weather and walking paths in our neighborhood and walk. But then the  issue with walking  became time. They needed to either eat or sleep and you know I didn't want them falling asleep in the stroller and not in their bed!  So I picked up running-something I said I WOULD NOT EVER do. I have been running ever since. Wanting my children to grow up around healthy choices changed my mindset. My motivation in doing the things I once HATED is partially for me but mostly for Landen and Caroline.

This year has a lot of fun and exciting things coming up and it's motivating to want to be the best version of me. I've eased in to motherhood, I'm finding hobbies, and now it's time to take back my body-as much as I can. Is it because I hate my body, stretch marks, or love handles-No.  It has nothing to do with my physical image anymore and it has everything to do with strength. Becoming a mom has actually made me MORE accepting  of my body which is one of the BEST gifts my children have given me. But I have to say, the bigger they get, the more difficult it is to swing them around and play. I want the endurance to keep up with them this summer at the play grounds and beach. It has NOTHING to do with me and EVERYTHING to do with them.

Are 4:30 wake-up calls fun...honestly it's not bad. Today I was tired but I  drug myself out of bed. The first two weeks were easy and this week has been more of a challenge due to a little boy in our house who has been getting up. But the days that I know I need a break I take them. I know if I do too much I'll burn out and quit altogether. At this point I really don't want anything to cause me to  quit. Feeling good about myself, seeing the scale go down, and my body feel stronger is really helping me be a better mom.

What small change could you make that will help you become healthier. Are you mentally or emotionally exhausted and need an outlet to help you get a much needed break?  If you are resistant, like I usually am, to picking up exercising because that will overwhelm you with everything else going on, take some time to do something fun by yourself or with a friend. Start taking breaks so you can take on each day feeling more fulfilled and eventually, you may want to take a half hour a day or more to strengthen your body physically.

No matter what, take time for YOURSELF. We are busy, but can we really enjoy each and every day with our family and friends if we are always burned out? I'd love to hear what you do for yourself or what you're going to start doing!!

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