Sunday, March 8, 2015

{Time Change: A Mothers Despise}

Landen: "Mommy...Mommy, I need my diaper changed"
Me: "okay buddy just give me  minute."
Landen: "Mommy, my shirt is wet."
Me:(thinking.."ugh why is his shirt wet?") "Just take it off buddy."
Landen: (he's taken his clothes off and in his diaper. I get a clean diaper tossed in my face) "Mommy I NEED my diaper changed, please!"

Okay so how many mama's were up "early" today because of the time change? Like you, I woke up feeling  the pain of the time change.  I was annoyed when looking at the clock because I was already an hour behind what I usually am.  After changing Landen's diaper, we quietly headed downstairs careful not to disturb the rest who were lucky enough to be sleeping.

As Landen and I made our way into the kitchen, Riley, our dog, was eagerly waiting for me to feed him-as I was an hour late. I slowly spun around to the kitchen to fill  Riley's bowl with water and I was greeted by a mountain of dishes in my kitchen sink that trailed down the curve of the countertop was pointed out to me by my Landen. "Messy mommy!"  I looked Landen with glazed eyes, hit the coffee machine button, and fed the dog. Where are those fairy godmothers at 7:00, no I'm sorry, 8:00 in the morning? 

As I drank my coffee, I started thinking about how it's now going to be lighter later. How exciting is that?! Spring is coming which means warmer weather and more time outside! After a family fun day yesterday, I am now thinking we're going to head to the zoo this afternoon. What are you going to do with such a beautiful day? 

Isn't it amazing how the weather has an effect on our motivation and mood? As much as I love snuggling down in the winter and hibernating for awhile, I have to say I'm really excited to be back outside having fun with my husband, Landen, and Caroline. So what are you going to do today?  Me, I'm  going to hurry and tackle that mountain of dishes and laundry so we can get outside to play!  I'm hoping some fresh air will help start this week off on the right!

Wishing you a day of happiness!!

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