Thursday, March 26, 2015

{I Need Back Up}

There is nothing like coming home from work on a warm day, throwing on comfy clothes, grabbing a cold drink and sitting on the patio to catch some Spring rays.  Peace. And. Quiet. The sounds of nature were alomst defening but relaxing at the same time. It was AMAZING...But don't you know all good things come to an end and this time things were ending with a call for back-up. 

It was my afternoon off from picking up the kids. With the weather being so amazingly nice, I wrapped things up quickly at work so I could get home to have a few minutes to myself. I know that sounds  entirely selfish, I have plenty of mommy guilt when I do things like this (will that ever go away?!), but sometimes us moms just need time to do ordinary things, like go to the bathroom and change clothes, ALONE.  And anyways, Aaron and the kids were going to be home in about twenty minutes-not like it was that much "me" time...

 As I was baking in the last bit of sun peeking over the roof of our house, Aaron called. I figured he was calling to say hi and to see when I would be home-I never tell anyone if I'm taking "me"time- but the phone call was not the usual, it was a call for back-up and lucky for all involved I was home to help. Landen had gotten sick in the car and from what I heard from Caroline it was a  "stinky" ride. I threw my drink in the fridge, grabbed cleaner and a plastic grocerybag from our growing collection (I don't know what I would do without those grocery bags!) and I headed out to the driveway.  As they pulled up I looked for Landen and boy was it a sight.  It was so bad Aaron unhooked the carseat with Landen still in it, in hopes he could contain everything.  What a fun night we had ahead of us. Aaron and I each spent a good hour in the clean up process.

Have you ever had to call in back up? What type of disasterous momments have you had? Ever since the twins were born, I have found myself calling on someone for help daily.  If I didn't have the help of others, I would probablly-strike that- I WOULD be pulling out my hair out and chasing my tail the majority of my mommy days! My husband, family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers are amazing. I am in debt to many people! 

The night was restless..the twins would have worn out a call button if they had one.. After three cups of coffee I'm struggling to stay awake...nap time can't get here soon enough!!  

Have an AWESOME day! 


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