Monday, March 9, 2015

{Pleading With Two-Year-Old Twins}

Ever since I found out I was pregnant with twins, I have found myself to be in many awkward situations. I've been asked intrusive questions by strangers, inappropriate comments made about being pregnant with twins, and then of course the messy awkward public scenes once they were born. But now, I can add something new to the list. Awkward moments in the bathroom with twins. 

Last weekend we ventured out for dinner-now that they can sit for a good forty-five minutes to an hour. Right at an hour, Landen  and Caroline became antsy. With Caroline being a recently potty trained, I asked her if she needed to go potty. Agreeing to go, Landen said "me too!" 

I hate public bathrooms and taking two-year-old twins into that germ infested 5x10 room is a real challenge for me.This is one of those moments I had to "be brave."

After watching Landen and Caroline dodge waiters and waitresses on their way to the bathroom we finally made it to the restrooms-geeze a short distance has never felt so long. The kids followed me into the bathroom and into the largest stall. I instructed them in my firm mommy voice not to touch anything-I know that was a stretch. While Caroline did her business I kept an eye on Landen. While we were all in the stall and they were behaving I decided I should go too. 

Worst idea ever. 

In the short amount of time I needed, they both hit the floor looking under the door and stall next to us-yuuuccckkkk! I let out a somewhat quiet shrill, they popped up off the floor. I told them they were going to really have to wash their hands. That was apparently a mistake because Caroline went straight to the lock on the door.  I pleaded for her not to open the door while Landen is simultaneously standing behind me flushing the toilet. Um, yea I wasn't finished..but whatever...Lets just say I have vowed to use the restroom alone-unless I'm desperate. 

Boy do kids know how to keep us on our toes..and give us mini panic attacks! There's another grey hair!

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