Saturday, March 21, 2015

{The Unexpected That's Always Expected}

Hi mommies! You never know what a day or even an evening is going to hold when you have chdren-can I get an amen? Last night Aaron and I sat down on the couch and in typical Friday night fashion I began to fall asleep around 8:30. It felt so good being in my ugly, but oh so comfy, pjs all wrapped up in one of my favorite Wright State blankets I had gotten as a gift from my cousin as a graduation gift-it's like the perfect "soft" now! 

I woke up to Aaron saying he thought Caroline just threw up. I was in a twilight and ran up the stairs. I was greeted by Landen. He was waving his hand and yelling, " sissy choking hurry mommy hurry!" 

Landen is know as "hero" around our house. He has alerted family of possible emergencies and so he was given that nickname by Mimi and now my husband and I. Now, we've been gating Landen and Caroline in their rooms to help deter Landen, mostly, from sleep walking to our bed in the middle of the night.  So when he met me at the stairs he had quickly gotten over the gate to hurry and get help for his "sissy." 

Seeing the sweet and concerned  look on Landen's face was really telling of how much he cares for her. I hope that while he is technically the younger brother-by about 20 minutes, he will continue to be her protector as they grow up. 

If you're wondering about Caroline, she's doing okay today. We were fortunate to change her clothes three times last night as well as her bedding. She handled it like a champ! Every time I kept saying, " could there really be anymore in there?!"

So, was Friday night as we planned? I can honestly say yes. If you're a parent, you're probably NOT surprised by my answer. We know better. We expect something at any time of the day or night...and while we had a lot of that this week, we made it...and my reward is doing nothing but sitting in the sun relaxing during nap time-this too I know can be interrupted but I'll take what I can get!! 

If you have a warm sunny day like we do in Ohio, get out and enjoy it! Maybe even by yourself if you can!! 


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