Thursday, March 12, 2015

{MOMMY MOMENTS:Failing Happens}

No matter how much I organize, plan, and lay things out for the next day, something is ALWAYS forgotten. 

Today was one of those mommy fail mornings. I got stuck in traffic and as soon as I got on the interstate I heard a ding. Ugh. Gas. Yea. I totally forgot. I've done this before and know I have a reasonable amount of time to make it to the gas station and based on my fill up, we made it to the gas station on fumes.  

None the less we made it and for that I was thankful. The wind was cold so I hopped back in the van. I looked back and Landen and Caroline shivering and said, "boy is it cold out!" Then it hit me. All of the sudden I thought about what I had put in the back end of the van. No coats. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. I was THAT parent AGAIN! Who sends their kid to school without a coat? Me of course! Why can't I get it together two days a week? I honestly don't know! If you have suggestions on how to keep my head from spinning at 6:30 in the morning, I'll listen. 

We unfortunately were already thirty minutes away from the house so there was no going back to get their coats.... Especially in today's traffic. I called Aaron and he was able to keep me from to do the walk of shame down the hallway and kept me from rummaging through the lost and found..hmmm...maybe I'd find my mind there....

In efforts to redeem myself from this morning, I took the kids to the park after school. I stopped for a coffee in hopes it would give me some much needed energy. Two-year-olds at this age are still nerve racking at the park-especially when one is a total dare devil and there is only one of you to watch them.  Now I have to admit something, while I'm very social, I prefer a park with very few to no people especially at the end of the day.  I have had some weird experiences at the park, mostly with adults that I just prefer to avoid.

So driving to the park, I slowed down to see if it was packed. It was so I told the kids we would go to a different one. I drove by a second park and as we drove by I see an older kid throwing things at the slide....I kept driving for obvious reasons. With two more parks left, we drove past another-it had thanks. We arrived to our last park and I decided to stay. We unloaded and the kids took off.  They played on their own and I was polite and said hello to the other adults.

Caroline decided to do what I call Peter Panning on the swing where she lays on her belly and swings-not fast or anything. She has never fallen off because she mostly just lays there and then finds something better to do....As Caroline was "flying" I quickly found unwanted (I'll explain..) company standing in front of me. Two older adults standing in my personal space with a little girl who looked to be their granddaughter. They literally were standing there staring at us. Then the comments of how Caroline was swinging was unsafe and that she could flip over-thanks for speaking that over her!  

As I looked up away from Caroline to acknowledge their presence guess what happened in those two seconds? She flipped...I scooped her up, shook the mulch out of her hair while they continued with more comments, which I am sure you can imagine what they were saying, all while still standing in our personal play space. It took everything I had to not just load up the kids and leave but we had just gotten there.

 At this point Caroline has already wiggled her way out of my arms because she wanted to play and headed up to the slides. They both took off and our new found friends (insert sarcasm) continued to follow us around the playground. If we were on one part of the equipment they followed, if Landen went down the slides it was "go do what he's doing." It was uncomfortable for me. 

I wanted to have a mommy 'moment.' Do you have those meltdown/breakdown moments? Tell me I'm not alone!! I even pictured myself in my mommy moment firmly telling these people to leave us alone....but I bottled it up and gave my kids their five minute warning-because honestly that's as long as I thought I could hold it together.   Something about the whole situation was awkward and I was so happy to politely say goodbye and get the H out of there! I often have a difficult time with adults at the you?  

So what I hoped would be an afternoon of redemption was absolutely NOT..tomorrow is a new day...that's really all I can say for myself! 


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