Sunday, March 22, 2015

{The Black Hole}

Do any of you fellow mommies know where that black hole is?? I'm in need of several things date I'm missing shirts, kids socks, a bra that was riciously expensive, a pink puppy, and a new matchbox truck...the last two being THE most important. 

Landen and Caroline have a crazy collection of things they put in their bed at night and if I hide one under the bed, they know when it's missing. I only wish tonight was one of those nights where I had put one of their precious toys under their bed and I could just pull it out with a very suprising voice saying, "Look what I found!"  Landen asked for his new truck and was certain I would find it in his pillow case or stuck somwhere in his bed.  After a thorough scan through is bed, I went to his top five hiding places. Nothing. Aaron and I hit the floor and all the rooms looking for his truck and nothing turned up.  I reassured Landen I would continue the search while he laid in bed. 

Caroline must have done inventory on her bed while I was conducting the first search with Aaron because as soon as I sat down, she hollered that she was missing her pink puppy...that would have been helpful to know when I was doing my first sweep of the house. Have you ever had a picture in your mind of where you last saw something? I did tonight and I remember her not having it for nap time. I swear the dog was on the couch...but the black hole must have taken it. 

Lucky for me tonight, they happily fell asleep without these very valuable items. But when morning comes it could be an unpretty scene when loading up for Mimi's house. I should probably keep looking...unless someone knows where I can find the balck hole..I'll certainly trade a few things in so I can have a nice morning tomorrow! 

Hoping you had a fabulous weekend!


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