Tuesday, March 24, 2015

{Sharing Sibling Pain}

I've often been asked in the past if Landen and Caroline have a unique twin realationship.  When they were small they had their own language, but that I felt was developmental not really special because they were twins or anything.  Is Caroline extremely protective of Landen and Landen the same of Caroline? Now a days yes. At bed time, if Landen won't stay in his bed his consequence is the loss of one of the million stuffed animals in his bed. Caroline gets so worried for Landen and will insist desperately for me to give Landen's precious toy back.

Today, something interesting happened.  Landen was complaining his right ear hurting . He kept poking at it and said he needed the Dr.  What child volunteers to visit the Dr. who in the past has only dished out not one but two shots? Landen had an ear infection about a month ago. I had no idea because he had other things going on as well and when I did take him in for another symptom, I found out he had not one but two ear infections. Poor guy! He never complained! 

So today, being more alert, I said, "I'll call the Dr. office and get you an appointment." Sure enough they could take us first thing so it wouldn't disrupt our day. So Landen checked out with a good bill of health. They did a thorough check and said it was the tiniest bit red but nothing to worry about at his point. Fine. 

This afternoon, the nurse at school informs me that Caroline saw her and said with a smile, "My ear hurts."  I probably rolled my eyes because it's so like her to pretend she is hurt or not feeling well for a little extra attention. So the story goes on...the nurse kindly checks her ears and sure enough SHE is the the one WITH the ear infection. My  mom radar must not be working! I was so surprised to hear she had an infection because Caroline is a little more verbal than Landen is so I'm surprised she hadn't said anything sooner. 

I've now learned just to take them both to the Dr. to have them checked. When will I learn it's always double the fun when it comes to being  sick. Now, was Landen feeling "sympathy" twin pain today or was it just a coincidence? I don't know.  Do they have a special relationship as siblings growing up together? Totally!  Either way, there will never be a dull moment....that is something I am reminded of every day! 

Always expect the unexpected! 


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