Friday, March 6, 2015

{New Adventures}

Adventures are fun, don't you think?  Motherhood is certainly an on going adventure for me and I have to say It has given me experience to use in new endeavors. 

I'm currently working on a book which will be eventually available on Blogging has been such a great avenue for me as a mom and it's also a passion I want to share with other mommies. I look forward to sharing it with you when it's complete! 

Has your child(ren) empowered you to do anything you wouldn't have done before?   I see my children living every day to the fullest and I can't help but want the same in my life. I've decided to trust my crazy ideas and go out on a limb on trying new things. The worst that can happen is I fail. But at least I can say I tried! 

Just because your a mom doesn't mean you have to let go of your crazy ideas or hopes and dreams. Use this time in your life to be inspired. Dream a little bit and let your family be apart of your new adventures!

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