Friday, February 27, 2015

{Near Or Far...You're An Amazing Mom}

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

I started this blog in October of last year as a way to do something for myself. It was my "hobby" that has become slightly more than a hobby for me. I have had consistent following since October and tonight I sat down to review my stats to see how this blog compares to "successful blogs."  
Upon reviewing page views and such I looked at the "all time" section for viewers and saw a list of countries: U.S, Russia, France, Canada, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Costa Rica, Malaysia, and Ukraine.  My small hobby that started in my twins' bedroom has managed to reach around the world. It is mind boggling to me how us moms can be connected not just locally but worldwide. While our culture and daily lives may be very different from one another, we have something that is very much the same...being a mother.  

To those of you near and far....I greatly appreciate the comments you send and posts you make. It is so fun hearing from you all!  My hope is in the next couple of years, I will be able to keep a solid interest and maybe reach out to more moms in a bigger way. 

Moms, what you do on a daily basis for your children and family is no small task. You sacrifice, run on little sleep at times, and do whatever it takes to provide for your child's needs. You leave not only an impression on your child (ren) but you live a lasting impact on society. You all are amazing...near or far! 

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