Tuesday, February 24, 2015

{Its A No Brainer}

Do you ever have moments when you wonder, "why didn't I think of that?" I personally have them all of the time.  When I have a great idea,  that I think is original, I like to share it with other moms! 

As a mother of twins and teacher I drink a lot of coffee (I am drinking a cup as we speak!) and I like to drink the Coffee-mate natural bliss sweet cream creamer. I wish I would have thought of this sooner, but better late than never, but the creamer conatainers are awesome for holding all kinds of things for little ones-snacks to art supplies! 

Now I have to tell you may want to get a funnel. It would just make filling the conatainers easier when it comes to small items like cereal or seeds/nuts or beads if your storing art supplies. We have spent a lot of money on Ziploc containers and so it's nice to have these, practically free, storage containers that are great in the car. The containers fit in cup holders whether it's in a backpack, diaper bag, or in the door of your minivan! 

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