Saturday, February 7, 2015

{We're Never Enough and Don't Have to Be}

I woke up this morning again on the couch. My daughter asleep on one end and my son roaming the dark trying to find his toys which were scattered throughout the house. After spending the night over at school for the 100th day, I had told my husband last night, "I'll just get everything in the morning." 

Upon sitting up on the couch in a little bit of a daze, I started noticing the "mess" I promised to tackle in the AM was still there. Dishes lined up all along the counter tops, my son's matchbox cars covering half of the kitchen and a living room that was a mix of laundry needing to be put away in the dirties, shoes that had been used for dress up, and lots of little pieces of colorful plastic toys that we will soon wonder "where did they go?" Waking up on the couch isn't ideal and looking at what feels like a giant task makes it worse. I carefully shuffled to the coffee maker trying to dodge the sharp toys in my path there and wondered how much longer these interrupted and sleepless nights are going to's been over a month now.

While the coffee brewed, I began filling the  requests of cheerios, raisins , and water and made it safely back to the carpet where I cleared a space to sit on the floor with my son.  With most of the mess behind my back I enjoyed my coffee and morning cuddles while trying to remind  myself this is what family is truly about. 

After having getting in my two cups of coffee and some yummy pancakes my husband made, I came across a fellow mommy blogger's post Titled: Moms, We Will Never Be Enough.  It couldn't have been written any better and if by chance you are feeling over whelmed by the household chores and to-do-lists we have made for ourselves on the weekend, please take a few minutes to read the post. I guarantee it'll leave you feeling a little bit better. Here is to an adjusted focus on our days as mommies with little ones! 

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