Wednesday, February 11, 2015

{I Cannot Tell A Lie}

Whether or not George Washington said, "I cannot tell a lie," I couldn't find it more fitting for this post with President's Day on the way. I'm finding my two-year-old twins have no filter or clue as to how to even lie. Yes, this is your warning to those who are around them!
 I have to say it's very interesting what information/stories Landen and Caroline relay to my husband and I (Don't worry not anything crazy yet!). Some of their stories make you laugh while other times we're left scratching our heads.  I had a friend tell me that at this age, children have yet to learn the art of telling a lie and there is usually some truth in what is being relayed at home.  

I feel like, as adults, we often try to save other's feelings by not speaking up or because maybe it just wasn't worth the discussion (or fight).  I don't know about you, but not speaking up sometimes can lead  to less than desirable situations that will leave you thrown under the bus or totally ignored. Over the years, I've learned to be more assertive so I don't become everyone's "doormat." And I have to say being at home with two honest little people is somewhat refreshing. We all say it like it is but with respectful boundaries. 

How we as parents act and react at home has such an impact on our children. Being a teacher you read about how children learn from the families in which they are raised, but experiencing it first hand and knowing how much of an impact we have on our children is beginning to set in. The other night at dinner, I was a little overwhelmed with the up coming week and I was talking to my husband about it. Caroline was sitting to my left at the table and must have picked up on a change of tone in my voice because she reached over, touched my arm, and calmly said, "relax mommy, relax." She was totally imitating me and how I treat them and it was at that moment I realized who I want my children to be in the world needs to really begin with who we are as parents at home.  I am sure, like many of you, raising honest, respectful, and loving children is important and it's not always easy to be our best.....but that is a lesson in it self as well.

If you're reading this post and have some funny "honest (Abe)" moments from your child please post! I'd love to read them!! 

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