Monday, February 16, 2015

{Do I Dare?}

What time do you get up in the morning? What time does work start for you? During the school year, I need to be up and at um by 5:30 a.m. at the latest and be ready to go at 7:45 a.m. for work. Now, the winter months make this very difficult. I lay in bed every morning procrastinating the inevitable.....movement of my body. It has nothing to do with not wanting to go to work. It has everything to do with a warm bed and a quiet house!

Sometimes I lay in bed and either try to gather my thoughts from a long night of restless sleep or organize my thoughts for the day. Just thinking about everything that is going to have to get done in those next 45 minutes makes me roll over for another five. Yes, I pack our lunches ahead of time and the bags filled with coats, changes of clothes, and what have yous the children need or want for the day. 

With every morning starting like a Kentucky Derby race, it's really no wonder I'm reaching for that afternoon coffee by 1 p.m. But, I can't help but feel like I am at the point of needing to do more for myself. Have you ever felt that way? Do I dare take on another commitment for myself while my life is already pretty jam packed of work and home commitments?

I promised myself last fall I would find a hobby. Which is when this blog was founded  and I love it!  Then in January, I decided to take on "winter" running (which I said I would NEVER do) in efforts to raise funds for March for Babies. These two things have been good for my soul....could I possibly need more?

I have a friend who has found a love and passion for personal training . After talking with her the other day, I became inspired. She mentioned doing 5 a.m. workouts with a couple of teachers and it really got me thinking...if they can get up early and drive to her house, I can certainly throw on clothes and walk down to the basement to lift...hmmmmm? 

 My husband, Aaron, and I spent the weekend cleaning out our basement and putting away baby clothes and toys. Something I have done several times, but since we're done having kids, it's time to move it out of the way!  Now our basement isn't finished which in the past made it less than appealing to head down and work out among who knows what. But Aaron cleared the cobwebs, hung lights, laid flooring, installed a TV and stereo to help it feel a little more comfortable for me. Have I mentioned how amazing he is? So with our lifting equipment dusted off, my elliptical down stairs, and a stability along with other things, I'm wondering....Do I try and get up around 4:30 a.m. and get my workout in for the day?

Now I know this can be done. Aaron and I used to get to the gym at 5 a.m. workout and then head back at night-Yea, that was OBVIOUSLY before kids! We loved it. It was awesome together time and I felt great...I like challenges and I like to prove myself wrong....I'm thinking I'll start by making a schedule and see what is doable. I have found as a mom, that I have to keep a careful balance between every aspect of my life or everything falls like a Jenga tower. 

Moms, how do you do make time? What makes you stick-to-it? If you don't exercise now, maybe you'll join me in creating one new healthy habit. I'm sure together we'll feel a little better through these dreary winter days! 

P.S. I'll let you know how the 4:30 wake-up calls work out.....eek!

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